Why are Americans voting for McCain when they can vote Obama?
2008-07-16 12:18:43 UTC
Why are people voting for McCain aka the dumbass who graduated 5th from the bottom of his class which is BARELY passing. Whereas Barack Obama graduated from freaking MAGNA LAUDE from Harvard Law School! Now I know grades don't determine whether you'd be a good president for not, but C'mon, McCain sounds like the next Bush, he doesn't know how to work a freakin computer (which is really bad if your living in this generation!) and can't answer questions without stutturing like a freaking retard. Now Obama is a well articulated INTELLIGENT man who can speak smoothly and comfortably with us citizens and he doesn't act like he's some ultimate high power of the Earth just because he is a freaking war veteran!! my grandfather was a war veteran and POW during the korean war, but that doesn't give him the right to run for office! truth is MCain is a WARMONGERING idiot who can't speak well. so whoever votes for him clearly has the same IQ as he does(which ain't a good thing, ya'll!!!)
23 answers:
2008-07-16 16:58:19 UTC
"Shut up you conservative piece of crap"!? Dumbass!?

Joceline, did you really write these!?

Get out your mirror! THAT is exactly why Americans will not vote for Obama! We simply cannot stand anymore liberal hate mongering. Not from you, not from your fellow left wingers, not from Obama.

We've had enough of your...what do you call it...tolerance. We call it just another liberal lie.

Real Americans won't vote for McCain either, but for different reasons.
2008-07-16 19:46:34 UTC
Wow you elitist liberal **** you feel proud of yourself yet?You just called a guy who can't raise his arm over his head cause he was tortured an elitist."he(Obama) doesn't act like he's some ultimate high power of the Earth just because he is a freaking war veteran!".Well gee maybe you could apply that logic to yourself and your beloved candidate for once can ya?Just cause YOU went to college doesn't mean you're better then the rest of us.Just cause Obama can talk good doesn't mean he's a better person than the rest of us.OBAMA IS A DEMAGOGUE,he uses his speaking skills to rile up the masses.But oh the only time libs like you use the word demagogue is when you're talking about the minutemen,but oh when someone on your side is doing the EXACT SAME THING not a peep.As for his being 5th from the bottom of his class,he was wild when he was young what do you expect?As for his non computer usage,at 71 what do you expect?"Can't answer questions without stutturing like a freaking retard".Yeah call the 71 year old POW a retard huh,feel proud of yourself yet?"my grandfather was a war veteran and POW during the korean war, but that doesn't give him the right to run for office"No but 27 years in the senate does,smart.27 years of senate service and being a POW is better qualifications for being president than NOTHING aka Obama."MCain is a WARMONGERING idiot who can't speak well. so whoever votes for him clearly has the same IQ as he does(which ain't a good thing, ya'll!!!)".Even more elitism for ya.
2008-07-16 19:37:13 UTC
I'm voting McCain and I'll put my 140+ IQ against your narrow-minded, biased, ill-informed brain any day of the year. The truth is you don't have a clue. You're simply regurgitating the same old, tired anti-McCain liberal mantra we've been hearing all along. When are you and your liberal friends going to stop bashing and start talking issues? Do you avoid the issues because deep down you know what the McCain supporters know -- that Obama's policies will make Americans less safe while taking away more of their money and giving it to a government that will waste it? Get with the program: NO ONE has ever taxed the U.S. into prosperity, and making the American people more reliant on the government by enacting more social programs takes freedom away from John and Jane Q. Public. John McCain is far from perfect, and he wouldn't be my first choice, but he's a heck of a lot better than the Democrat alternative.
2008-07-16 19:36:15 UTC
Lesser of 2 evils. As for IQs did you actually read your post before posting? There is no being from MAGNA LAUDE, stutturing is spelled stuttering, you must be about 10 yrs. old because that's how old most people are that use the words freakin or freaking, us citizens should be we citizens, capitalize the m in my after the exclamation marks, the k in Korean, the t in truth after the exclamation mark, it's not who can't speak well it's who doesn't speak well and then capitalize the s in so after the period. Using ain't and ya'll that shows real intelligence.
2008-07-16 19:34:59 UTC
I think most people are voting for McCain because they think he's the lesser of two evils. Yes, Obama's a pretty good speaker, but I think Reverend Wright let the cat out of the bag as to just where Obama's heart really is. Now this is the church that Obama attended for over 20 years. Is he telling us exactly what we want to hear? Yes, I think so, and NOT what he will be like as president.
2008-07-16 20:04:58 UTC
first off, McCain has seperated himself from being another bush on many occasions. they're also voting for him because McCain has E-X-P-E-R-I-E-N-C-E. obama just knows how to smooth talk people, but knows little about how to manage a whole country. my uncles live in illionois and told me that obama has just helped out chiago and no where else. obama and his wife have made some rather rude commets like "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." and Obama has said that " I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites." i have a problem with him saying that he is black, when infact he is only half-black. he is HALF-WHITE too, but he disowned a whole part of who he is, and it was his mother and her parents (who happened to be white) who raised him, but then he disowned them. here's something from a website

610 WIP host Angelo Cataldi asked Obama about his Tuesday morning speech on race at the National Constitution Center in which he referenced his own white grandmother and her prejudice. Obama told Cataldi that "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know (pause) there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way."

if he were white and said that,then he'd get in a boat-load of trouble. but i want everyone to realize that he is not African-American, he is not black, he is not white. Barack Obama is a mulatto. Several dictionaries define mulatto as: "The offspring of one white parent and one black parent; a person whose ancestry is a mixture of ne gro and Caucasian."

McCain also has PATRIOTISM, i haven't seen obama wear a flag pin, or hold his hand over his heart during the national anthem. i just honestly dont like obama and i think that he doesn't konw what he's doing, he just has charisma and not much else.

and when i'm able to vote, i would of voted for McCain FIRST, and then Hiliary Clinton, and if they weren't on the ballot i wouldn't vote for obama. i also know people from Pennsylvania and they don't cling to their guns and bible. and McCain isn't stupid, and i know that i wouldn't be stupid for voting for him. my IQ is 141 and i be pround to vote for McCain. McCAIN ROCKS!!!!!! and obama...... just leave him in the senate, he still got a lot more learning to do.
2008-07-16 23:50:45 UTC
I'm not voting for either of them. I want a third option. Maybe Ralph Nader for President. Or Magic Johnson for President.
2008-07-16 20:23:12 UTC
Compare the two man to man and then perhaps you'll understand why most of America will be voting for McCain.

After reading your question I know understand who the phrase "children should be seen but not heard" was meant for.
2008-07-16 19:29:33 UTC
So you're saying you wouldn't vote for McCain because he can't speak well? And because he can't use a computer? (how the crap would you know that anyway?) I don't prefer either candidate at this point but this question is really stupid. You've shown yourself to be more stupid than the man you're insulting. Congratulations. :)
2008-07-16 19:24:52 UTC
Socialism would undermine the core principles upon which this country built itself. Obama has policies that smell of socialism, which takes away personal choices and responsibility in terms of determining success and failure.

Obama can only speak well when the microphone in his ear is working properly. I take it that you haven't heard his speeches during which information wasn't properly feeding into his ear? Heck even Bush would look good compared to that.
2008-07-16 19:24:14 UTC
I think the appeal of McCain stems entirely from his age--the vague idea that the more years one has the more wisdom one collects and so on. Of course this is a poor reason to vote for anyone--and the obverse argument can be made for Obama, he's young, energetic, more connected to everyday voters' needs, especially if those voters are under seventy. Really the election will be decided on the economy and the war, and it's Obama's race to lose. Only a bizarre set of circumstances will see McCain break 45% in the fall.
2008-07-17 10:19:04 UTC
unfortunately there are people in this country who are brainwashed puppets ,brainwashed by the crooked,puritan,republican,conservative theology,at which our present president and his cronies(who should be tried and jailed as well they are ciminals) are about as close to a facist as anyone can be, if you read the 14 characteristics defining facisim,they describe Bush to a tee,I hope we dont get another republican as well they have done enough damage to this country the last 28 years which hopefully can be repaired.
2008-07-16 19:34:18 UTC
"Why are Americans voting for McCain when they can vote Obama?"

Are you serious? Free health care, an end to the Iraq war, more and more entitlements, lower gas prices, better schools and education for the kids, a much better standing among the other countries of the world - and that's only in the first 100 days !!

Beats me why anyone wouldn't buy into this.
2008-07-16 19:52:57 UTC
Another liberal elitist.It amazes me how liberals think they speak for the majority of Americans when they condemn all that the average American believe in.
2008-07-16 19:33:37 UTC
I'm voting for Ron Paul.
2008-07-16 22:48:13 UTC
because most Americans do not want a racist, anti-USA person lke Obama. How can you tell when Obama is lying? His lips are movng.
2008-07-16 22:44:10 UTC
cuz we dummmes love ar guns an a da name john is in da Cristian bible..thts goood

.........or maybe its because we are smart enough to see a Marxist Muslim liberal, who is hell bent on taking this REPUBLIC into the liberal sh*ter of moral bankruptcy!
2008-07-16 19:28:54 UTC
Because we're better judges of what makes a good president than you.

And congratulations! That's about the most BS crammed into one partisan hack rant that I've seen lately!
2008-07-16 19:29:29 UTC
Ah yes...let's vote for the lawyer who graduated with high marks....who hasn't ultimately conveyed if he really loves this country or not - not wearing a flag pin, and then wearing it because of media fanfare........yadda yadda opposed to the man who fought for this country, was a POW......who obviously LOVES this country....and fought for our freedom ...the freedom that allows us to choose whom we vote.
2008-07-16 19:36:57 UTC
I am voting for McCain because I like his plans better than BO's plans for my country.
No, We Can't!!!
2008-07-16 19:25:06 UTC
Ah, the arrogance and self-regard of the educational elite. Isn't it wonderful to behold!

The Audacity of Audacity! '08
2008-07-16 19:26:02 UTC
You could everything you know about real character, leadership and experience and fit it into a thimble..........
2008-07-16 19:24:40 UTC
Well I am definately voting for Obama... I think your statements were rather blunt but true to a sense... We need to make affective change upon our nation and what better way to do that then to bring a bright, influential, and modern man into the works and provide our country with what it truly needs!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.