The problem I have with the potential compulsory payment to fund political parties is the assumption that the current parties are the parties we will need in the future.
Compulsory funding could stifle the development of new parties, also I worry that the structure will have difficulties.
I.E. the possible tax payer funding of minority parties we have never heard of, or heard of but don't like.
Or the reverse where the funding structure is based on some artificial or arbitrary way of dividing the funding that keeps new parties out.
I do like the idea of the electorate/tax payer having a say where their money goes but this can also disenfranchise those who don't pay tax (for legitimate reasons such as full time carers)
My preference is to change the way money is spent.
For example any legally formed party that has a candidate in an election (even if independent) should be entitled to the same amount of 'air time' on TV and Radio.
This would stop major parties stealing ideas from smaller parties and pedalling them as if they had thought of them.
True extremists would get air time with the only controls being those of the law where incite etc was concerned.
Also in hustings I would make it compulsory for the TV &Radio to cover all hustings at a local level instead of the BBC current policy which is to choose those where they can see a rartings potential.