Molly there is no evidence supporting the claim that gun control slows or stops gun violence. In fact, the evidence is against it. Gun control doesn't keep guns out of the hands of criminals, it keeps them out of the hands of responsible owners who would use them to stop criminals.
In Australia, the government has the right to enter your home without a warrant to check your guns for their registration. Am I right?
Yes, but the American people simply don't fall in line behind the government behind the Patriot act. We haven't been brainwashed by propaganda to believe that freedom is a bad thing. We have the freedom to own the guns that we want. If you hate freedom, then that's a problem that you should take up with the Communist or the Progressive party, they'd send you along the track to less freedoms.
Also assault rifles and shotguns tend to make great home defense weapons because a shotgun has a nice spray meaning it's hard to miss if you're not a great marksman, and assault rifles are usually of good build quality and has a good stopping round that will stop a criminal in their tracks.
Also, here's a couple of links you should check out:
Molly: The right to own a firearm is an extension of all of your rights. If you can't defend your rights yourself, then you must rely on another to defend them and eventually your rights will die like a child that was denied the right to feed itself, and it's caretaker decides that it doesn't need to feed at all.
One freedom more is the phrase that should be on the tongues of every person on this planet, don't ever say that you don't want a freedom. I'm not saying that anarchy would be a suitable alternative, rules must be kept in place making sure freedoms don't overstep other people's freedoms.