can we remove corruption in this country?
2007-01-16 04:19:00 UTC
45 answers:
2007-01-16 04:26:09 UTC
First you do nor specify which country. Secondly, corruption is inherent within the capitalist systems because the profit motive naturally breeds greed and avarice, mortal sins. Thirdly any other system- communist, dictatorial. kingdoms- are corrupt on the high level and amongst the people if their economies are poor.
kannan M
2007-01-19 09:50:27 UTC
Corruption can be eliminated not only with the laws but also with the complete support from the society.

There must be heavy punishment for the persons involving in corruption and these corruptions should never be encouraged. Most of the people tend to involve in corruption since they have the feeling that they would not be punished much and they can break the laws as there would be another person who will break the law for money.

People of the land should always give respect to the personals who have clean habit, broad minded rather than just rich people. Then people would look for the way to lead honest life as everyone likes to be respected in the society.

Education is the key factor which would be bringing up the people in a nice shape to help the nations towards growth. And they would never think of any such activities as they really want to achieve heights be doing greater things.
2007-01-16 21:04:28 UTC
Though it is very difficult, but still, I think it can be done if we do the following:

1) Once a person is proved to be corrupt beyond any doubt by the judicial system, he/ she must be punished in the strictest possible manner. The punishment should be well publicised through the media.

2) Judgements should be delivered quickly, maximum within an year.

3) All the Government officials should be made fully responsible and answerable for their wrong actions or decisions.

4) Full transparency in the workings of all government departments.

5) All laws, rules and regulations etc, should be made as simple as possible which can be understood by any body with a normal commonsense and knowledge of that subject.

6) All unnecessary, procedures, laws and rules and regulations especially which have become obsolete, must be scrapped.

7) Both the persons- bribe giver and taker, should be punished.
Santosh S
2007-01-16 12:06:53 UTC
Corruption exists cause the corrupt official politicians or staff don't have any shame nor any guilt nor is their any fear in them when accepting bribe.I feel every officer who is proved corrupt should have his face blackened with such a paint that won't come off for days so that the whole world see it and even his family sees it. Then only a corrupt person realises what shame is feels guilty for his doing and fears moving out. Also his family members also feel the same coz they are a part of him too then they'll themselves make him stop accepting bribes. It would be much better if there's a paint box in every cabin in every office in every govt building so that when one simple Indian is frustrated by the corrupt officer he himself can apply the paint on his face. for the big ones like the politicians i feel if the law is stricter and if accounting is done with detailing then there can be a transparency in the whole system. In our country law takes such a long time that by the time your case comes for hearing the corrupt official is either dead or retired or you yourselfloose the energy with which you went ahead. Thus one can stop being corrupt only if they feel that they are doing something wrong and unlawful and have the fear that something can happen that will let me down in my children's eyes.
2007-01-16 11:11:55 UTC
Yes,Corruption will be remove, if we can setup a strongest financial

economy growth in each society of our country. I do think, financial

statas one of the reason. at a stage of 16- 25 ages boys&girls are

wanted more money for their life style, they are follows the westerncountries culture. On the other side, our midia channel

of telivision , I do think, first, corruption destry a family,a society

and country. We are Indians- likely hindus motivated country.

If any senior person of our familly or society heads, can teaches

good thinking, simple life living style,and can teaches to hate the

CORRUPTION, then, it is possible,corruption atitude movement

some of our young generation.
2007-01-16 06:28:35 UTC
To this question answer is a big NO. Corruption and exploitation is a two headed monster. As long as exploitation exist, corruption would stay. The stronger exploits and the weaker corrupts that is the way it goes and goes and goes. It is a matter of permissiveness, the extent to which one takes it part of normal life and consider it as admiscible and beyond 'his' limits one brings it under a scanner. Yes this monster can be curtailed, if not finished totally by awareness and good education and good parenting; strengthening judiciary for quick disposal of cases of corruption, transparency in governance and implementation of RTI Act 2005 to bring accountability and to expose accountable.

RTI Act 2005 in the present form would go a long way to eradicate the nexus of corruption and exploitation.
Paramasivam P
2007-01-16 05:11:40 UTC
Indeed, i will con firmly tell you that corruption will be stopped if the Govt appoints Mr.Sheshan The Formar Ellection commissioner been appointted.Within one He will take responsible of the corruption.His pily is teeth fot teeth.

! politician are the main people

2 the bureacrates

3commn people.

The first only very dangerous people to the country

The second too equal to the first.

The third will easy to funish it.

Only way to apponitment of Mr,sheshan as a Director to Anti corruption.
2007-01-16 06:18:26 UTC
Corruption can be removed if all the country men decide to root out corruption. All of us have to internalize the truth that seeking for special favours lead to corruption, amassing wealth leads to corruption, selfishness leads to corruption, lack of interest in the common resources and distribution leads to corruption. We need to decide that we will not jump the queue. We will wait till our chance, we will not yield to pressures, we will vote and be watchdogs to ensure all get their needs and no one usurps what is due to other person's. Collective vigilance, collective efforts with the right use of the media and the judiciary will pave way to root cut corruption.
harish p
2007-01-20 02:04:27 UTC
The point of corrucption does not even come from employees or from the ordinary people this has mainly come from the higher society people in india who as habituated to common government employess to get their work done fast or to get thier work done which is even wrong. And so from this stage they got habituated to these kind of asking for bribes to every one.

The only way to avoid corruption is to make rules much strict than what they are now. An d more spying on Employess. Because no one dares to complaint on them these days
2007-01-16 10:55:30 UTC
A Joint Effort - and this curse can be removed from our country

We will have to Plan:

(A) We will not pay bribe to any one.

(B) Who ever demands Bribe, We will contact the local antocorruption bureo and get him before the bars.

(C) We will not do anything in such a matter that we would be compelled to pay unjustified amount as bribe.

If we can go for the above

There will be no corruption.
2007-01-19 17:55:13 UTC
As far as looking at present scenario,removal of coruption is impossible.In every sense there is corruption..from starting of the birth to the death...everywhere is corruption.To remove corruption from the has to start from self only.Otherwise its really difficult to remove the corruption.
2007-01-16 05:57:00 UTC
The only way to remove corruption is to remove the politicians. Most of them are corrupt, Dems and Repubs. If they are honest when they arrive it won't take long for them to be corerupted.
2007-01-16 04:29:26 UTC
Corruption can be removed only if young people join hands together to fight against the viruses of the society!
2007-01-16 04:37:43 UTC
Yes we can. But it needs a start and you may become a person to make a start. Individual efforts counts in bringin a revolution. First of all be honest yourself. You can contribute for a corruption free country by remaining honest in your entire life. Remember every drop counts to build a sea.
maanasa k
2007-01-16 10:34:16 UTC
Corruption can be discarded and brought to an end only when each one of us start living with dignity and honesty .Each one of us should be with such a soul where we can look into our eyes with pride and honour.If one can spoil the community then one can begin to make it a better place to live too.So,i conclude saying that yes,our country will soon be freed of corruption:)
2007-01-16 04:36:39 UTC
Yes, We can eliminate the corruption from the country, if every person of the country determine & take OETH

"Neither I will do corruption (i.e. Short cut to achive our goal)

Nor I will allow to do corruption (i.e. I will fight against that)".

by doing this we can remove corruption from country.
2007-01-16 08:00:46 UTC
If we want to remove corruption, we should restructure the political system and police department. Then only we eradicate the corruption in our country.
Big Bear
2007-01-16 06:18:17 UTC
Yes, the biggest corruption is in politics, and then corporations second. In politics, we need to put campaign financing in the hands of the voters and not Lobbyists. The corporations would straighten out from there.
2007-01-16 08:32:50 UTC
*no , to be very frank corruption could never be removed in india : although we may say superficially that this can be removed with continuous,constant,planned,aggressive,+ve attitude,etc..

*but, ultimately the truth (that it can't be removed) will prevail.some major reasons for this are :


*lack of will/enthusiasm

*conversational gap between authorities(including the president of india) and common people.



*steadily increasing gap between rich and poor

*corruption / lack of will / selfishness / narrow mentality / ego / boasting / pleasing the higher,etc. ; by POLITICIANS (mainly) , legislature , executive , bureaucracy , judiciary , law enforcement agencies(mainly state police), government employees in general.

*the above mentioned categories usally follow the thinking that once they are in some governmental job,their livelihood his ensured even if they do nothing at all.

*ELECTORAL NORMS CHANGE IS THE FIRST AND MAIN STEP IN THIS DIRECTION.persons carrying unconstitutional allegations,fighting cases in courts for converting their -ve's into +ve's should be barred from contesting elections of everytype.


*THEN COMES CONSTITUTIONAL REFORMS / AMENDMENTS, required to achieve the above mentioned goals.



snnaaps g
2007-01-16 05:45:04 UTC
while we r young we can remove corruption but after 30+ we increase corruption
2007-01-16 07:20:00 UTC
we cannot remove corruption as our country is mostly backward in front of other developed and developing countries and lacking behind in knowledge and education. everyone thinks of his own. when we would start thinking of others then corruption will be removed else there is no chance.
2007-01-16 05:56:55 UTC
the young people alone can erase corruption from this country. if you spread the message of clean politics, treasure moral values more than financial clout and stand steadfast to rooting out corruption you will succeed.
2007-01-19 22:08:07 UTC
Its in deed a big question right on the face of our country.

Like any problems, you need to anlyse the root cause. I feel this is due socio finacial compulsions and over ambitions of indiviuals. Corruption is of two kinds, positive corruption and negative corruption.Positve one is that accepting bribe- cash or kind- even for doing a law ful thing, ex. any Govt officer taking money to sign in on all perfect papers, while negative one is to devitate any proceedure. A postive corruptionist may not be caught easily as proceedure is followed strictly on paper, a negative corruptionst caught and tried.

I belive, most of us are accustomed to the positive corruption in some extent. we must have heard some body saying that "jane do yarr, na hi tho wo kam ko latka dega". Some body says-"yaar sarcari office me kam lene ke liye kuth karna jaruri hy". why is this, If trend goes in this way we can not free our country from this cold blooded culture. Some body pay money and prioritise /get their work what about another who doesn't like to do . His things are not cleared and tied in red tape. In this way, we public providing an act of complacency for wrong doers. We always forget / fail to recognise our this act would embolden them to be claiming as if their (corruptionist) right.

Corruption is serpant in the admnistrative prayaries. To find it you have cut the gross to catch and throw it out. So, what we need is, to educate against it and dare it by reminding our values and cultures. Tell the fellow, who is demanding money that he can not take away this with him as life is temporal as character only can be immortalised. Let him realise your defyance to such things

I know we we are simple by heart. Since driven by evil ambitions, some time we over act our needs and deeds. Back to vedic values, who does wanted all this hippy culture, ok some body may follow any hy-fy habits out of his own sources /cost. Why should others follow him for bad reasons. I say we all need to stop comparisions of life with some others.

Get relax with availbale resources, dont be mateirlistic. Thanks to god for this valuable life.

Remind your selves that way and tell others as well, what ever the great God given to us is suffient and to improve any lawful source with a lawful means. Rigteousness and honesty saranam Gachhami.
savi m
2007-01-16 21:21:32 UTC
Yes defenatly we can remove in our country corruption. Now a days young people are very clever, broad minded, sensetive, coputer rised people.
2007-01-16 09:34:03 UTC
No. Corruption can not be removed in any country .
2007-01-19 19:24:47 UTC
i dont think we can remove corruption unless we can make sure that the present day politicians are removed completely out of the politics.
sanket s
2007-01-17 11:43:53 UTC
y not !!! from next time dont bribe the TC in train to take a birth, dont bribe the traffic man on not puting helmet, always maintain queue where ever u go.... it is just proper descipline , firm determination and initiative which can prevent the corruption. start it from very low level... start it from urself...
suryanarayanan u
2007-01-16 07:47:06 UTC
If everyone knows their eligibility and work for it everything will happen as per the merit of the cases.

Respect the judiciary and judiciary should respect themselves.

Bureaucracy should respect themselves for the duty given to them.

Don't get budged by the political pressure.
2007-01-16 17:12:03 UTC
No one can totally remove corruption, but it can be kept at bay.
2007-01-16 04:38:45 UTC
The definition of corruption has changed and it is capitalism. Be a silent spectator and pray God.
2007-01-16 08:51:18 UTC
yes we can remove it but certain things are to be followed like giving strict punishments etc but i do think that a good leader is important for our country he/she should be an educated one more than this i can say we are ought to change our style of government like dictatorship only for few yrs and then see how it would be but that leader should be from defence
2007-01-16 07:49:20 UTC
u must have heard that youth is the life of country so if the youth is given lessons about no cheating, no bribery and no manupulation and no deceiveness then the country will surely prosper by leaps and bounds
2007-01-18 22:10:39 UTC
The most disquieting aspect of the widespread corruption in India is the fact that it is not anymore confined to politicians or the government machinery alone. It is prevalent amongst almost every section of the society at every level.

As the practice of corruption is a dishonest act, one has to think that most of the Indians are dishonest, which could be different only in degree between the individuals. As the reason for the dishonesty is greediness and the desire to get things done at any cost one can think that most of the country men are greedy and do not anymore think that the means should justify the ends. This is not a flattering statement and many readers would desire that it would not be so and such statement could have been avoided. But, the fact is that most of the Indians are involved in corrupt practices in one way or the other, either due to greed or due to so called compulsion. In any case, the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of not getting involved in corrupt dealings is conspicuous by its absence amongst the most.

Today, if one would say that any particular Indian is honest to the core, it could only be a case of exception rather than a rule.

The study of world phenomenon on corruption has repeatedly branded India as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. Unfortunately, this view has not disturbed most of the Indians at all and they do not seem to care as to what others think of them; so long as the existing systems and practices would allow them to make money and get things done in one way or the other.

The irony is that India is still considered to be a very religious country and it is still widely believed that the religion is the basis of Indian life, thoughts and actions. This is obviously true, considering the fact that there are hundreds of temples, churches and mosques spread all over the country and they are all densely visited day in and day out by the feverishly praying Indians.

Is not religious ethos contrary to corruption and dishonest practices ?The unfortunate situation in India is that those who call themselves most religious are often found to have indulged themselves in dishonest practices on many occasions. Several of the religious centres, of all religions, are suspected to be steeped in nepotism, as such incidents have been repeatedly published in the press.

It does not shock Indians anymore to know that not only the politicians, ministers and IAS & IPS officers are corrupt but even the judges, professors, doctors and NGO organisations are.

Corruption is not only prevalent amongst rich who are greedy in spite of possessing enough but also prevalent amongst poor.

Now, what can be the future of the Indian society in such conditions? It can be only frustration, chaos, unrest and even bloodshed in the not too distant future. This kind of corruption in the national polity and public and private life cannot go on for ever, without disturbing the overall peace in the society. It is sad that those who are in charge of the nation today do not appear to realise this and still are merrily going ahead with their dealings unconcerned about the harm that it would inevitably do to the larger national cause.

What is very sad and extremely disquieting about this country is that Ministers suspected to be involved in murder. Chief ministers of swindling crores of public money, senior police officers of molestation charges are all living in comforts and enjoying positions, thus effectively exposing the fact that the crusade against corruption has finally failed in India.

Even as the vicious cycle of corruption would continue with one swindling the other, there could be a number of persons who would be left out of this cycle due to inefficiency or commitment to the cause of truth and such persons would be driven down to despair.

The incidents of history indicate that some of such persons who are out of the corruption loop could take up the war against corruption at one time or the other. But, they would find that in a corruption entrenched system, they would not be able to improve the conditions and therefore, a few of them may finally take to physical attack on corrupt and dishonest persons, leading to violence and bloodshed. Security, dogs and mere police rifles will not be able to beat down such determined crusaders.

The politicians and bureaucrats would call such crusaders as arsonists or terrorists. But, history would judge them differently. There are a number of determined isolated war groups already existing in the country and they are generally branded as terrorist groups and treated brutally by the state machinery, without investigating the reasons for their existence. One would shudder to think as what would happen to the peace of the society, if such groups would enlarge in size and number.

Those holding the positions of President, Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of this country and Chief Ministers of the states should have the wisdom to realise the potential dangers facing this corrupt ridden Indian society. They should not remain as small people who would compromise with the aspects of good governance for the sake of remaining in power for a few number of days more.
2014-11-01 16:19:22 UTC
People of the land should always give respect to the personals who have clean habit, broad minded rather than just rich people. Then people would look for the way to lead honest life as everyone likes to be respected in the society.

Education is the key factor which would be bringing up the people in a nice shape to help the nations towards growth. And they would never think of any such activities as they really want to achieve heights be doing greater things.
2007-01-17 02:40:40 UTC
Definitely dude...

For that our people need to hav more guts and more unity and more feeling of being truthful...

hang d person(who is asking for that) as in afghan.

slam d person(who is giving that)...

V can vanish it in a short while...
2007-01-16 04:23:16 UTC
yes v can but kya all people give us support and the first corrupyion is politics which shd be removed
2007-01-16 04:58:58 UTC
I hate to admitt it. Not even in the USA. But we still have the power and ability to dream it be so!
2007-01-16 04:28:25 UTC

It has been spread from grass roots to the top most.
Ramachandran N
2007-01-19 06:46:43 UTC
My answer is given in the following what I wrote in March 1992:

"Bofors is back once again, on the headlines of newspapers and periodicals. Since the Bofors catched catched the headlines for first time, three Governments have collased at the centre; and Rajiv Gandhi, on whom the Befors guns were targeted, is also no more. Inspite of all these, it is unique that the issue of Bofors is still alive to be on the headlines.

How many printed pages have been wasted on this issue? How many valuable hours of Indian Parliament were wasted on this issue? Still there is no sign of booking the actual culprits and punishing them as per the existing laws of the land. Other than the issue being used by politicians in their skirmish for power, it seems nobody is really interested to book the culprits and punish them or wipe out kick-backs and corruption from public life.

The issue “emergency” helped Morarji Desai and Charan Singh to taste the chair of Prime Minister of India. Similarly the issue “Bofors” helped V.P.Singh and Chandra Sekhar to enjoy the chair of Prime Minister of India for a while and avail for long the privilege of “black-cat commandos”. Nothing more and nothing less.

If we calculate in terms of money, the printed space wasted, the number of hours wasted in Parliament, and the cost of enquiry commissions and committees, the same would be a huge sum. This could have very well been utilized for literacy programme in the country. In that case, by this time, the percentage of literacy could have increased considerably. But, who cares for all these?

The word “corruption” brings to my mind the following words of Mahatma Gandhi, uttered a few days before his assassination in January 1948:

“The subject of corruption…is not new. Only it has become much worse than before. Restraint from without has practically gone. Corruption will go when the large number of persons given to the unworthy practice realize that the nation does not exist for them but what they do for the nation. It requires a high code of morals, extreme vigilance on the part of those who are free from the corrupt practice and who have influence over corrupt servants. Indifference in such matters is criminal.”

If Mahatma Gandhi lived in our midst now, what he could have written or done about corruption is for anybody to guess.

How many present-day Congressmen or for that matter any politician would appreciate Gandhiji’s words?

Corruption and nepotism have now become a part of Indian life. Both Government servant and elected representatives of people alike think that the nation exist for them and not what do for the nation. People who cannot fall in line with these practices, are the easiest victims and they suffer continuously and very silently. Nobody cares to wink even a cursory look at their sufferings. When even a Supreme Court Judge facing corruption charges could safely sit in his chair and administer justice for others, where are we upto? Servants to Masters and Police to Judiciary, corruption and nepotism are now inseparable part of Indian public life. What remains to be done, is the setting up of an All India Institute for Corruption and Nepotism (AIICN). If established, such institute would help those ignorant of these arts to learn the same and help many to perfect these arts. There may not be dearth of professionals to head such an institute and fill-up its faculty positions. In due course of time, there may be a great demand for graduates, postgraduates and doctorates of this institute, from elsewhere in the world.

In his contibution to Mahatma Gandhi Birth Centenary Commemmoration Volume, Louis Fischer wrote the as follows in 1960’s:

“India has impoverished itself by exporting its finest treasures. It gave birth to Buddha. Now hundreds of millions follow him outside India and only a handful inside. India’s earth and air nurtured Gandhiji. How many Gandhians can be counted in his native country? How much influence to those Gandhians exercise? Is Gandhiji to become the los Mahatma? Is the prophet to be without honour in his homeland?”

If we set up an ALL INDIA INSTITUTE FOR CORRUPTION AND NEPOTISM (AIICN), the art of corruption and nepotism will get institutionalized and standardized generating world-wide demand for this art. We could then export these artisans and earn valuable foreign exchange and solve our ‘BOP’ problem. If we could get ourselves impoverished itself by exporting our finest treasures like Buddha and Gandhiji, we could very well get outselves impoverished of the art of corruption andnepotism.

Any takers for this idea of setting up an ALL INDIA INSTITUTE FOR CORRUPTION AND NEPOTISM?"
2007-01-18 06:51:15 UTC
Sure you can, but you'll have to pay off a bunch of important people to do it!! :o)
2007-01-16 09:09:24 UTC
"YES", "YES", "YES", & "YES",

Nothing is impossible. But who will tie the bell in cat's neck.

Every body is naked in their bath.

It should be started from the top head.
Amod M
2007-01-16 04:30:59 UTC
No, we can't. so don't burn ur blood better think for ur own future and be honest. that's all.
2007-01-16 05:32:45 UTC
there would be no one left, if we did
2007-01-16 05:03:41 UTC
2007-01-16 07:20:35 UTC
Where there are people in need there will be corruption,

to stem the tide you need to stamp out salaried earners


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.