If they BAN the KKK then they would have to not only break the law to do it..but where would it stop?
Banning Louis Farrakhan? Black Muslims? White Supremists, neonazi's, communists, socialists, NAACP, NOW, Christians, Jews, Athiests....Girl Scouts, Barbara STreisand, Rosie O'Donnell, Alec Baldwin and all other outspoken people in the USA that at least ONE person is liable to disagree with vehemently?
Any thing can be controversial...even the teletubbies have been a target on banning.
And while I disagree with any group that teaches discrimination and hate....We as Americans have the right to free speech!
We as Americans also have the right to IGNORE or CONTEST those groups/individuals that we disagree with.
NO..the U.S. should not ban the KKK nor can they..it would only make them (and other radical groups) stonger to their followers.
However I GAURANTEE that they monitor those groups and any individuals related to them!!!!!!!!!