I have a problem with Madonna adopting full stop. I have seen the rigorous rules, the enormous hoops that the average person has to negotiate in order to adopt.
This woman's career and lifestyle would prohibit her from adopting in most western countries, hence she goes to Africa.
News reports indicate that the child in question is four years old, how will she/he cope with being placed in an alien environment and culture, with a "mother" she/he barely knows and who will be raised by "nannies"?
As already suggested, if Madonna has the welfare of African orphans in mind she should have paid and staffed an orphanage in Africa then many would have better opportunities.
Selfish and self-centred as opposed to caring and charitable in my view.
Scuse me..... The people of Britain have not allowed Islam to flourish in this country, our corrupt and traitorous politicians have, so get your facts right!