Any question asked about “our” president is difficult to answer. I am often confused by his motivations, they are not always clear. We have seen in the past that the Republican Party is trying to break out of its “old school” model and appeal to minorities. Latin Americans are being heavily courted by the right wing because they share many traditional values that the “right” professes (e.g. religious values, family values, work ethic, etc.) This may have something to do with Bush’s immigration agenda.
Also there exist a reality; we need Latin American’s to work our farmland, dishwashers, cleaning services, etc. The only other way we would be able to harvest our crops is if we forced people to do it. Remember we got rid of institutional slavery in the US two years after the end of the Civil War, but our need for cheap labor continued. That’s why our industrial base has almost completely disappeared to overseas.
And that opens up another point. Most American citizens aren’t willing to work for low wages, at least not enough of us to keep the labor market healthy. Factories need low paid, half educated folk to run the machine. The country needs a higher unemployment rate and lower wages, so we can be competitive in the world market. Be ready for some bleak days in the future, and it won’t be the fault of the Latin American.
There is also the security issue. The old model is that they sneak across for farm work, etc. and than go back when they get caught, or feel like going back. But since 9-11 and the new American paranoia, we want to make this thing more legit so we can scan who comes over and for how long.
For me, a third of the US was stolen from them anyway, and in general I like Latin Americans. They are hard working and good spirited. And they love and take care of their families despite overwhelming odds. I am passive on this issue, watching with wide eyes and folded arms.