1) The Second Amendment was introduced to protect the people from an overbearing state. The revolutionaries had just fought off the British, who had been using a standing army and had been generally terrorizing the colonial population. Take a look at the Quartering Act.
2) The Second Amendment has nothing to do with military policy. It's about giving American citizens the right to own guns to protect themselves, ultimately against the state if need be.
3) The Revolution, Articles of Confederation, and then the Constitution were written in the 18th century, not the 17th. What's that you said about intelligence and reason?
4) The problem with gun control is that only law-abiding citizens will follow that rule. Murderers still murder, with or without guns. Scotland completely abolished gun ownership, and their machete murder rate has gone way up. Crazy people, psychopaths, muggers- all of them will manage to get guns when the average Joe can't. Virginia Tech could have gone a lot better if there had been another student with a gun who could have taken Cho down. A sane person remains sane with a gun. Having a gun doesn't make you more likely to want to murder someone.
5) To illustrate #4: My boyfriend's mother was robbed at gunpoint. She lives in a pretty good neighborhood, and was right in front of her house. She's 5'2 and 115 lb. She was robbed by a guy about 6 feet tall and at least 70 lb heavier. If she'd been armed as well, the odds would have been much more even.
6) Some people are accidentally killed or injured by guns. More people are injured in cars, and swimming pools. I guess transportation and swimming should be banned, too.
7) If you don't want people to have guns, extend that to all officers of the state.
8) An armed society is a polite society. It's a lot harder to be a mugger when you know that the 90-year old woman walking down to the corner could be packing a Magnum.
9) You don't have to own a gun if you don't want to.
No matter what, crimes will always happen. I would rather live in a place where I have a chance to fight back, than in a place where only hijackers, robbers, and murderers are armed.