Americans........the 2nd Amendment?
Nick W
2008-02-17 04:45:01 UTC
Why do you continue to post questions about your 'right to bear arms'? Was this amendment not first introduced in order to forcibly take 'your' country from the Native Americans? Your 'right to bear arms' serves only to justify the American Foreign Policy of beating up all of the little guys in order to further your own national wealth......Iraq, Afghanistan,.....lots of mineral wealth there....funny there's not much movement on Darfur. I think it's time America started leading by example and behaving more like Christians (since that's what the majority of your politicians run their election campaigns on), and stop giving people the percieved right to kill. Leave the 17th century behind and start living in the here and now......or do you think that a gun proves a point more effectively excercising your intelligence and reason?
The Right to Bear Arms?.......about as intelligent as The Right to Arm grow up......soon please.
Sixteen answers:
2008-02-17 05:25:58 UTC
The constitutional "right to bear arms" doesn't have anything to do with American aggression overseas. It guarantees the right of American citizens to own guns for the purposes of protecting themselves and their families from:

_ Criminals (e.g. drug addicts trying to steal stuff they can sell because they can't afford to check themselves into expensive private rehab clinics);

_ Foreign invaders (e.g. the British, back in the 1700s, trying to take back the large amounts of property and capital the American revolutionaries were blatantly stealing from them); and

_ Giant drooling ants (a particularly annoying problem during Colonial times).

Besides, if we Americans weren't allowed to own guns, what would we put in all those gun racks in our pickup trucks? Those long plastic tubes you get at toy stores that go "woo, woo, woo" when you twirl them around? Like, we're going to scare off anyone with those? I don't think so. Guns---that's what we want. Yeah!

And by the way, never mind about statistics like those in the article I've pointed to below.
2008-02-17 07:21:04 UTC
1) The Second Amendment was introduced to protect the people from an overbearing state. The revolutionaries had just fought off the British, who had been using a standing army and had been generally terrorizing the colonial population. Take a look at the Quartering Act.

2) The Second Amendment has nothing to do with military policy. It's about giving American citizens the right to own guns to protect themselves, ultimately against the state if need be.

3) The Revolution, Articles of Confederation, and then the Constitution were written in the 18th century, not the 17th. What's that you said about intelligence and reason?

4) The problem with gun control is that only law-abiding citizens will follow that rule. Murderers still murder, with or without guns. Scotland completely abolished gun ownership, and their machete murder rate has gone way up. Crazy people, psychopaths, muggers- all of them will manage to get guns when the average Joe can't. Virginia Tech could have gone a lot better if there had been another student with a gun who could have taken Cho down. A sane person remains sane with a gun. Having a gun doesn't make you more likely to want to murder someone.

5) To illustrate #4: My boyfriend's mother was robbed at gunpoint. She lives in a pretty good neighborhood, and was right in front of her house. She's 5'2 and 115 lb. She was robbed by a guy about 6 feet tall and at least 70 lb heavier. If she'd been armed as well, the odds would have been much more even.

6) Some people are accidentally killed or injured by guns. More people are injured in cars, and swimming pools. I guess transportation and swimming should be banned, too.

7) If you don't want people to have guns, extend that to all officers of the state.

8) An armed society is a polite society. It's a lot harder to be a mugger when you know that the 90-year old woman walking down to the corner could be packing a Magnum.

9) You don't have to own a gun if you don't want to.

No matter what, crimes will always happen. I would rather live in a place where I have a chance to fight back, than in a place where only hijackers, robbers, and murderers are armed.
2008-02-17 05:14:41 UTC
The Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees Americans the means to protect themselves, and guarantees the right to possess the means to apply that protection.

There are those who say the time has come repeal the 2nd Amendment, yet we see proof that restrictive guns laws do not reduce crime and violent deaths. The most recent example is Northern Illinois University. If restrictive gun laws work, then this shooting would never have happened. Why?

NIU was (and is) a Gun Free Zone, no guns allowed on campus. Virginia Tech is another Gun Free Zone. If restrictive gun laws were, (or are) the answer, these incidents would never have happened. Places, (whether businesses or cities) with the most reported violence, just happen to also be places where gun ownership, and /or possession is restricted.

By the same token, every time concealed handgun carry has been legalized, those cities, counties, and states have seen a reduction in violent crime. These places have found truth in an old saying, "An armed society is a polite society".
2008-02-17 18:34:23 UTC
You said: "Your 'right to bear arms' serves only to justify the American Foreign Policy of beating up all of the little guys...."

Actually, the second ammendment is to prevent the beating up of the little guys (the American people), either from our own government or from an outside aggressor.

You think the insurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan is bad, just try to invade the States.

Britian and the Aussies have both outlawed guns and while their liberal lawmakers like to lie to the world about the lowered crime rates, their police tell the real story. Skyrocketing crime. Honest citizens afraid to walk down the street.

There is an old saying that goes: "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns." I guess that the Brits and Aussies both have learned that painful lesson.
2008-02-17 05:06:22 UTC
I can see you are as ignorant of American history as you are ignorant.

The 2nd Amendment was put in place because the Founding Fathers realized that an unarmed man was powerless to defend himself against tyranny. The events in Maoist China, Stalinist Russia, and most recently Zimbabwe bear that out to be true.

The right to bear arms has absolutely nothing to do with the military or foreign policy. Never has and never will, it is about individual freedom.

I will not leave the 17th Century behind if it means embracing slavery as you have appeared to do..

In the future; please try to educate yourself on the facts before you post something as ridiculous as this, especially if you are questioning someone else's intelligence. That seems to be a rampant European malady.
2008-02-17 06:01:46 UTC
No the 2nd amendment had nothing to do with Indians. They knew that government at some point might try to remove the right to bear arms as a way of controlling the citizens. History backs them up on that. There are many examples where governments have done just that. Glad I could clear that up for you.
2008-02-17 05:03:00 UTC
"Was this amendment not first introduced in order to forcibly take 'your' country from the Native Americans?"

No, it was introduced to prevent a foreign power or a tyrannic government from being in power.

"Your 'right to bear arms' serves only to justify the American Foreign Policy of beating up all of the little guys in order to further your own national wealth."

How you equate a right that only exists within the United States itself with "American Foreign Policy" is beyond me. If I move to Britain, I must conform with British gun control laws. Just because I'm an American doesn't mean that I can tote my gun world-wide.

"funny there's not much movement on Darfur"

Not funny at all. We tried to intercede and help in Africa and got our nose bloodied for it. We tend to say "screw you" when we try to help and get punched in the face.

"do grow up"

We've grown up. Time for you to stretch for a little maturity of your own.

DANIEL: It is "bear', as in "carry".

DANIEL: No problem. Just trying to keep us all correct. :)
2008-02-17 12:53:28 UTC
The 2nd Amendment is in the Constitution for several reasons:

1. To keep foreign invaders (ie England) out of our country

2. So individuals can protect their homes and property

3. For hunting

4. To enable state militias to prevent a Federal takeover.

The right to bear arms is NOT a license to commit murder.

BTW, one of the first Nuremburg Laws forbade Jews to own firearms.
2008-02-17 04:52:32 UTC
I love how every foreigner loves to throw Darfur in America's face while the same foreigner slams us on our "interference" in Iraq. So nice to be able to criticize on intervention and non-intervention at the same time.

As for this question, we don't arm bears. We bare arms. It's a right our founding fathers believed was a guarantee. If you have a problem with it talk to the Continental Congress. Or talk about outlawing baseball bats, knives, cars, and other tools that can kill while you're up there on your soapbox.

edit: BDZot. Oh crud. I can't believe I did that. I was trying to quote Robin Williams. Oh well. A stupid moment for me. I won't fix it, I'll take my lumps for the mispelling. But still. Geez. I can't believe I did that.

edit again: Well thanks BDZot. ^_^
2008-02-17 05:05:09 UTC
Geez..... Darfur *DOES* have oil wealth... just ask China... and while I'm at it... why don't *YOU* and your Brand-X country do something? Why wait on the US to do all the work for you? Could it be that your country doesn't have an Army that could defeat an angry troop of Girl Scouts because every dime of taxes goes to supporting lay-abouts collecting their dole? Why don't you lead by example instead of being such a crybaby and waiting until someone does it for you? Could it be that living the socialist life has made you a lazy mind-numbed robot?
senior citizen
2008-02-17 14:07:39 UTC
Obviously you don't understand the Second Amendment or anything about American history.

Your "question" is clearly nothing but a politically motivated rant and is being reported as such.
2016-10-19 12:19:58 UTC
to very own a nuclear weapon, or different weapons of mass destruction, you will possibly desire an enemy. the 2nd exchange boost into drafted so a central authority ought to not take over this is very own human beings. you need to not nuke the government, without being achieveable to everybody on the earth. the line could be drawn someplace.
2008-02-17 04:54:50 UTC
I think it's time your country took care of the problem in Darfur. I don't see that happening. You don't have to agree with our laws. You have your own.

Otherwise, you're just obnoxious and intolerant to another culture.
2008-02-17 10:13:45 UTC
Forgive me, but was this a question, or bashing of legal, gun-owning, Christian Americans? Find a blog on to rant on. and move on......
2008-02-17 08:48:27 UTC
Aren't rants a violation?
HitMan Harry
2008-02-17 08:03:43 UTC
You must not be AMERICAN!, You have MISINTERPRETED THIS! and if you don't believe me, get your buddys together and try to invade AMERICA! yeah, see you at the border, two if by sea!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.