I agree to the effect that there were flaws and mistakes in the process. I mean, come on. There were county and city school busses that just needed a key to get started and a driver to drive, yet they were not used for evacuation. Some leaders (like the leader of FEMA) who did not push as hard as possible when there was red-tape to work around. Etc...
But I do not believe in any way, shape, or form, that there was some conspiracy against minorities or whatever.
Many times, no matter if government or business, there ARE mistakes when it comes to major disasters. This is unavoidable. We cannot predict everything. The unknown will always have something that is unknown. Not every scenario can be completely planned for.
Jack... again... it is not the government's responsibility to take care of every individual who does not take care of themself.... The government DID give the word to get out, and there were thousands partying in the streets....
Again the liberal ASSumption that the government exists to take care of everyone personally....
The government did take action but mistakes were made, as they always are...
As for the report, yes i have read it... and changes will be made because mistakes were made. But AGAIN, this was no conspiracy against New Orleans, or African Americans, or whatever....