The Doomsday Clock advances - what worries you the most?
Yahoo Answers Team
2017-01-27 00:45:42 UTC
The Doomsday Clock is now only two and a half minutes away from the end of humanity. What global issue most worries you?

To catch up on the update, read:
333 answers:
2017-03-07 07:47:32 UTC
How stupid humans are. Every generation seems so sure that the "end" will spite them, that I'm just surprised we haven't caused it to happen yet. I really think the end of humanity will be much more poetic than the kind of events that move our fear monger clock forward.
2017-03-06 21:26:57 UTC
That it is running fast!!!!
Bobby Jim
2017-03-04 16:47:36 UTC
The Doomsday Clock moves forward and back at the whim of the news media. Since their reputation these days is worse than a huckster selling (bad) used cars, there s not much to believe that comes our of their lips, or in print. Besides, with my faith being in Christ, I ll continue to trust in Him, and fear nothing here on this Earth.
Linda R
2017-03-02 13:26:55 UTC
I've been hearing this B.S. since I was in elementary school. MOVE ON!
2017-03-02 04:05:18 UTC
What worries me the most is Idiots like you who actually believe this nonsense.
2017-02-20 22:34:27 UTC
How long will the LIFETIME Warranty last on the paint job I have done on my house if I / no one will be here to advise me that I missed a spot around the edge of the window.
2017-02-08 04:27:20 UTC
That the batteries will die, before the time expires.
2017-02-02 03:11:48 UTC
nothing, there is nothing we can do about it
2017-01-29 08:59:08 UTC
I've already heard plenty of doomsday predictions that haven't come true, I've never worried about them, and I never will.
2017-01-29 05:36:12 UTC
That the cuckoo will pop out.
2017-03-06 21:32:09 UTC
The only "Doomsday Clock" I trust is God. Only he knows.
2017-03-03 05:59:25 UTC
It can happen any day now as we have madmen in highest positions...
2017-03-02 00:32:50 UTC
2017-03-01 21:58:52 UTC
propaganda prop that ought to be forgotten
2017-03-01 13:58:59 UTC
I wonder, should I buy supercharger for my car or should I buy a sex doll before we are all wiped out. The ones that I want are around 10k to 11k.
Vinegar Taster
2017-02-27 23:28:01 UTC
That it doesn't keep advancing ....
2017-02-26 17:48:37 UTC
I like the word "DOOMSDAY!" I hope it is the last words I say on this planet. "DOOMSDAY" How eerie. ;)
2017-02-25 01:29:00 UTC
Well, considering the fact that you said we're only 2.5 minutes away from the end of humanity as we know it, and people have been answering this for 4 weeks now, I'd have to say, "Nothing". I'm not worried about anything.
Igor Jivatofski
2017-02-21 15:56:40 UTC
2017-02-19 17:44:39 UTC
Lies and fake news funded by treasonous old idiots.
Not Applicable
2017-02-19 17:28:09 UTC
That humanity has tools in its hands and seems unable (or unwilling) to see the need for the wise discernment regarding ways to address those problems (climate change, gross economic inequality, the increased belief that those who are not like me are evil, worldwide access to weaponry that can kill millions if not billions...just to name some of the bigger issues).

We are like the 5 year old who found a loaded unsecured 9 mm handgun. What could possibly go wrong?
2017-02-17 05:13:59 UTC
my Brother didn't get "laid" until he was age 33..., will he get "laid" again for $free$ before age 57 and all your FAKE shiet gets attention on the internets?

Wait! There's a Black-OPS helicopter above my house right now.

I take it all back mind. amirika is all good mind
2017-02-09 03:16:14 UTC
Nothing really, this world needs a reset
2017-02-07 22:12:41 UTC
Nothing!! I don't believe in doomsday predictions!!
2017-02-06 23:47:11 UTC
That to maintain my slim physique I have to continue to fight my cravings for some Nutella or any other calories util 8am tomorrow.
2017-01-28 21:05:24 UTC
The amazing number of total illiterate idiots who come here asking stupid questions.
Ryan R
2017-01-28 18:04:36 UTC
Fear is irrational. Worry is a waste of time. People have predicted disaster since ancient times and were always wrong. Go about your day and be productive. Let others do the worrying.
2017-01-28 16:11:33 UTC
Donald Trump
2017-01-28 12:04:02 UTC
We will lose power at the last minute.
2017-01-27 05:16:45 UTC
What worries me the most? The fact that we have Homer Simpson in the White House is near the top of the list.
2017-03-06 22:55:54 UTC
2017-03-06 02:53:11 UTC
That people still think the doomsday clock is accurate.
2017-03-04 23:33:15 UTC
2017-03-03 03:58:15 UTC
that the doomsday clock is just another end of world scenario that dosent come true
2017-03-02 19:26:36 UTC
TOO FEW HAVING ALL THE CONTROL OVER TOO MANY. PERIOD, THERE, is your "dooms day" clock ringing off the table.
2017-03-02 19:22:40 UTC
Nothing, I have acceted Jesus Christ into my heart by faith as my eternal Lord and Savior many years ago as has most of my family. So come quickly Lord Jesus !!!
Tom and Anna Marie
2017-03-02 16:32:27 UTC
This is 8th grade playground crap. Doomsday clock? Seriously???
Random Guy
2017-03-02 01:13:02 UTC
The craziness of the PC culture being forced upon us.
2017-02-27 06:27:38 UTC
Having lived through the Cold War and having been to Hiroshima I fear that Trump will lead us to nuclear war!
2017-02-25 13:11:57 UTC
It worries me that the questions here seem to be purposefully meant to make people neurotic and fearful.

Like what next after the Woman's March, No one knows why these crazy women raced around in pussy hats . What was the objective. You could ask that maybe? What do you think about Betty for Secretary of Education and isn't she awful? And why is Donald Trump breathing? And now the Doomsday Clock.. muaahhhhhh.

Well, this worries me a little because life is not that stinking bad .No, I didn't vote for Trump but I know where Yahoo stands on the issue and it is wrong to keep yammering about it and trying to scare young impressionable people into thinking it is the end of the world as we know it because Hillary didn't get in.

I don't recall these types of political questions when Obama was in . What about the feds selling off weapons to the cartels in Mexico? Are you just a little afraid that when the President drops twenty thousand or more of immigrants in a town near you like Shelbyville, Tennessee. Maybe one of them could shoot up the town on a bad day. It worries me that the Internet is crawling with this kind of bias. Yeah, worry is absolutely the worst reaction . It does no one good. It prevents action in some cases because you are cowering in your own fluids. Why worry , be happy. It isn't cancer, yet. Look fear in the face and tell try to realize propaganda is your worse enemy.
2017-02-20 14:10:31 UTC
The possible isn't in time
2017-02-20 07:08:17 UTC
That a liberal propagandist marxist invented the clock to create mass confusion and disillusion.

It's used for nuke stand offs and climate change and every other leftist issue. Where is the JOBS doomsday clock? That's right, they didn't put one of those in place while Ted Kennedy and his nation ending immigration plan was set in place to end all jobs and create serfdom style situations.

My biggest worry is liberals being in charge of things. It's like that part in the bible. One day children will rule the world. And with the attitudes I have seen, the people in charge are the most immature childish adult babies I have ever experienced outside of a hospice. Like trevor noah. If he said the stuff he says, 30 years ago he wouldn't have lasted a day in any country let alone south africa. And the whole time he spouts, hate speech is wrong and when people illustrate opinions against him he just falls back on the, I'm a child I can't comprehend your argument. It's because I'm an immigrant and I don't understand you. BUT! Listen to me tell you how much I hate you and you don't deserve to have dignity, unlike me with my cool toys. I hope he gets his green card revoked and gets deported and reduced to a African public broadcaster.
2017-02-13 04:53:48 UTC
May the God bless humanity with his grace and postpone the doomsday time.
2017-02-08 15:24:15 UTC
I wish I wasn't worried; I really do. Right now, scientists are working on ways to work with the ozone problem. It WILL get worse, but it CAN get better, too.

What might not get better is this WAR. I wish there were a way to get them to find peace. Regardless of whom God gave that land to, He would not want them fighting and hating like this. When the time is right, it will be given to the rightful heir. How about in the meantime, split it down the middle? because honestly, all this war is hurting way more countries than just them.

But what about war is worrying me? Weapons of Mass destruction. Developed countries think they are impervious to being blown up by an atomic bomb or whatever, so they go, "Yeah! Let's fight a war!" not realizing that we are NOT invincible, and meanwhile, our young men are being injured! I, for one, don't want to see any more nuclear weapons.
2017-02-04 20:10:45 UTC
The very high probability that Trump doesn't take it seriously.
2017-02-02 21:59:25 UTC
Trump. That is what worries me.
2017-02-01 13:41:29 UTC
Yahoo Email Helpline @+1^800^782^3911
2017-01-29 05:23:44 UTC
What worries me is this kind of Jew propaganda. It's pathetic so many people buy this fear p0rn.
2017-01-27 15:27:46 UTC
autisti1c liberals
2017-01-27 04:59:19 UTC
These days even the Doomsday Clock becomes a political argument.

A climate where the masses refuse to hear anything negative about how things are being done... is a worry to me.
2017-03-07 02:15:09 UTC
That the Yahoo team may not receive their pay checks before the doomsday clock time runs out.
2017-03-06 01:14:32 UTC
I see "Doomsday" as being the day this country goes bankrupt and can no longer be recognized as the great nation it once was. Between a staggering national debt, a nation overrun with illegal immigrants, and childish bickering in Washington D.C.- we are in REAL DEEP TROUBLE!
2017-03-05 18:06:22 UTC
In general, Move on!!
2017-03-05 03:57:08 UTC
Environmental disasters and nuclear war.
2017-03-02 20:18:51 UTC
Nuclear holocaust That some president will think he can send out a nuke and they will not send one back. Use to be no matter how extensive the war or how brutal someone would have survived. Today we stand on the threshold of a whole new ara.

Matthew 24:21,22
2017-03-01 23:59:59 UTC
our iman when approaching hereafter
Jay Trogger
2017-02-24 10:24:58 UTC
Do I have enough honey and beer for the next 60 years?
2017-02-13 11:13:23 UTC
Know Jesus? No worries. No Jesus? Doomsday is too close for you.
2017-02-12 17:41:35 UTC
Time is a concept invented and understood by mankind. Clocks, invented by man, measure time. Age and mother nature can't tell what time is nor can see, or read, any clock, doomsday or otherwise..
2017-02-06 00:54:09 UTC
My biggest concern is why Yahoo Answers keeps messing up and trotting out a new format that is nothing like what we have used for years-- one that worked well. This new format stinks. When I sorted to get a list of questions by topic, it pulled up stuff from 2008.
2017-02-02 13:40:33 UTC
Yahoo Technical Support @ +1^800^782^3911
2017-02-02 04:49:30 UTC
Didn't know people actually cared about the Doomsday clock until today.
2017-02-01 22:27:01 UTC
The LEFT. EDIT Bankrupting the USA and Destroying the Military.
2017-02-01 22:10:18 UTC
2017-02-01 01:08:32 UTC
I lived through the 80's and have been aware of the Doomsday Clock since it was at 3 minutes early in that decade. I watched it go back in time. And interesting now that we have come full circle and back to the closest to midnight in my lifetime.

What worries me the most? The wild card. And in this deck, Jokers are wild, and it is a Trump card being a lose cannon.

Oh and the next big worry is the 1984 Iron Maiden song Two Minutes to Midnight making a HUGE comeback. LOL
2017-01-29 10:29:56 UTC
it worries me that doom won't come soon enough
2017-01-29 02:27:47 UTC
Not That . They gave no good reason , Irrational fears
2017-01-29 01:03:08 UTC
People BELIEVING the clock is anything more than a BIASED political prop worries me more than ANYTHING those running it say.
2017-01-28 22:10:55 UTC
Nothing personally worries me. I am not really worried about my children. I am concerned that global population will be way too high for our planet to support it.
2017-01-28 21:36:57 UTC
I worry about the future of my children and grandchildren in a world where it seems people don't care about what happens to future generations when we run out of clean water, when our air is hardly fit to breath, and we are packed as tight as sardines.
2017-03-07 02:26:45 UTC
2017-03-07 02:25:44 UTC
2017-03-06 14:25:09 UTC
Well nothing happened, so I'm not too worried.
2017-03-02 00:37:28 UTC
That people will find out i'm gay. Oops...
2017-03-01 22:04:33 UTC
That people are actually believing this cock and bull story.
2017-03-01 20:56:19 UTC
What, me worry?
2017-02-21 02:57:30 UTC
The environmentalists who will still fight to save the earth with no purpose.
2017-02-20 17:08:06 UTC
That the Doomsday Clock exist at all. This whole mindset of "Let's have pundits tell us how much danger we are in right now," is part of the reason we are in trouble in the first place. We as a society have quit thinking and acting as individuals and are starting to become two unthinking mobs, one with conservative views, one with progressive views. It doesn't really matter which of those mobs gets in power in the end, or even which one has the "best values." Free thought and individuality will go out the window and mob rule will reign, people will be murdered in the name of a cause. When will people learn that the answer is never in extremes? According to history never. We may just *be* doomed. I'm not worried though. When the world does end, I'll be on the winning side anyway.
2017-02-06 00:07:25 UTC
when did this happen?
Lex Lodge
2017-02-05 16:52:27 UTC
My concern is two fold: people are generally disconnected from the importance of real world matters, yet at the same time seem to chatter non-stop about minor concerns.
2017-02-03 05:10:46 UTC
Not knowing what the Doomsday Clock is..
2017-02-01 00:16:03 UTC
2017-01-30 19:50:54 UTC
What worries me most is the blatant disregard of normal, everyday people for what this means. It sickens me that scientists are being marginalized as political elites. I only hope that we eventually heed their warnings.
2017-01-30 01:20:28 UTC
don't worry i shoved the clock up my pussy
2017-01-29 05:40:36 UTC
I'm with the guy who answered "the number of intolerable idiiots"
2017-01-28 23:16:49 UTC
That DDC is a silly scam !
2017-01-28 18:07:34 UTC
That someone is actually getting paid to advance or push back the hands of an imaginary clock. I mean REALLY?!
2017-01-28 15:19:02 UTC
I'm not worried. I'm convinced that we're in the last days of history (as we know it), but God Almighty is still in control. Jesus Christ told us that there would be wars and rumors of wars, and that disasters on earth would increase in the last days, but we're not to be troubled (Matthew 24/Luke 21).

I've already trusted in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Those who haven't...well they have good reason to worry. Things are going to get far worse before they get better. There will be peace on earth only after Jesus Christ, The Prince Of Peace, returns and sets up His kingdom.

I suggest you watch these videos:
2017-01-27 15:55:59 UTC
I'm still laughing at Trumpsters who are convinced that Hillary was going to start a nuclear war/WW3 it's hilarious. Just a bunch of morons who fell victim or believed intentionally in Russian proproganda. Now look, we have a raging idiotic lunatic.
2017-01-27 04:01:19 UTC
Seeing as I didn't know we had one not a damn thing! I'll just go back to pretending things are just fine :)
Harald Hardraada
2017-03-07 22:40:29 UTC
Doesn't matter. Nobody's getting out of this alive anyway.
2017-03-07 19:33:53 UTC
and the Y2K theory
2017-03-07 18:33:52 UTC
Nothing. I am in God's hands, as is everything.
2017-03-07 15:19:35 UTC
What worries me most is the countless souls who are destined for a Christ less eternity
2017-03-06 03:05:01 UTC
Supervolcano eruption
david a
2017-03-06 00:26:17 UTC
I would have to say India/Pakistan dispute. Then US, Russia, and China. Even though they have more nukes than India and Pakistan, they have other ways of conquering the world. North Korea is still a distant 5th. That can change. As for Israel and Iran, I don't think Iran has any, and Israel won't use theirs unless they are pushed.
2017-03-03 16:34:26 UTC
Im not worried at all. I want to continue my life but I'm not scared of death either. If the world ends it ends, no more worries. I don't want the world to end but i don't fear it or the thought of it.
2017-03-02 20:47:58 UTC
What worries me the most is the effect upon my ears from all of the noise made by people crying and wailing about things over which they have no control. That noise gets louder with each passing year, and I find myself wondering who will look after these poor people when they finally collapse into puddles of protoplasm.
2017-03-02 16:53:35 UTC
I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb, didn't anyone else?
Latf La
2017-03-02 14:16:53 UTC
I ve lived my life vell.

Global issues, ask about it from those running the globe.
2017-03-02 05:04:34 UTC
The Democrats in DC.
Mir Quasem
2017-03-02 03:14:36 UTC
US is losing its leadership.
2017-03-01 22:20:07 UTC
Zheiia is hilarious
2017-02-27 21:18:28 UTC
man's invention of a doomsday clock is purely the work of man, there is no other 'clock' than that of God, and when He has determined the end of time, He will affect it by His means without any help from mankind
2017-02-15 20:45:04 UTC
change is good
2017-02-03 23:15:37 UTC
What worries me is that people are stupid enough into buying such a juvenile and overly simplistic graphic as some sort of harbinger of the truth. To accept this dumbed down metric as a warning for the future requires a level of stupidity that scares the beejeezus out of me.
2017-02-02 01:01:47 UTC
What worries me the most is that it never gets to midnight.
2017-01-30 23:14:12 UTC
What worries me the most is that we've got so many biased people out for their own agenda rather than trying to actually do good in the world.
2017-01-28 19:24:50 UTC
Nothing. It's much ado about nothing.
2017-01-28 00:25:51 UTC
trump literally starting world war 3.
2017-03-06 17:37:56 UTC
Isaiah 14 says when Israel is in the land the world will be at rest
2017-03-03 16:28:57 UTC
Meh, kinda ready to die.
2017-03-02 21:25:58 UTC
that the anti science movement, the republican war on science and trumptards will continue to destroy America and be a cancer to the rest of the world
2017-03-02 04:32:27 UTC

any of you who though 2012 was the end of the world? How did that turn out for ya? Huh? really? the world didn't end? :gasp: Ugh. you people are stupid sometimes. Even scientists say that it will be A MILLION YEARS until stuff like that even BEGINS to happen. WHO LIVES THAT LONG!?!!?!? By then we will all be safe in heaven, heaven can never be destroyed.
תפילת תשובה צדקה גאולה
2017-03-01 22:15:21 UTC
The sad fact that most people will be judged by The Lord on His great day of might and wrath to redeem Israel.
2017-02-28 03:53:36 UTC
it doesn't
2017-02-25 12:44:17 UTC
I am not worried about the clock advancing it only reinforces that we are living in the last days described at 2 Timothy 3: 1-5

According to the Scriptures the sign we are living would include such things as earthquakes in one place after another, pestilences and food shortages (Matthew chapter 24).

I look forward to what Matthew 6:10 says-“Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place on earth as it is in heaven."

This kingdom is a real government that is to replace all human governments and rule over all the earth (Daniel 2:44)

Psalm 37: 10, 11 and 29 talks about the conditions of the Kingdom and assures us that the earth will be here forever.
2017-02-24 19:50:51 UTC
Absolutely nothing.
2017-02-21 19:09:30 UTC
I wont be able to charge my phone if the world blows up
2017-02-11 15:57:58 UTC
Getting my last piece of ash.
2017-02-11 04:20:15 UTC
the loony pandering lying deceiving hate mongering mass stupidity of the crazy left
2017-02-10 03:32:59 UTC
the current occupant in the White House
2017-02-05 02:38:56 UTC
The Doomsday Clock is phony because the people running it cheat. While insane W. Bush was saying "nukes are not off the table" and threatening to use them (while he maintained torture camps in a war that was never justified in the first place), the Doomsday people didn't bat an eyelash because (as they told me when I sent them a letter asking about this) they wanted W. Bush to be free to fight back the al Qaeda. So, the Doomsday clock should have been ringing alarms, but it wasn't because they favored W. Bush's idiotic policies.

What worries me the most is that people believe the politically charged rhetoric coming from the Doomsday people, while they should be ignoring them.
Holey Mufflers
2017-01-30 23:58:03 UTC
@ yahoo team.

again you're not doing your chores b4 playing. there's two scam/yahoo team impersonation replies to this Q that's been reported, and you haven't done squat about it or on your other Q shown here,

and since the option to delete Q's is not present, you're stuck with it.

just like a parent to child,


I say we boycott any Q's posted by yahoo team until they show us they care about their product and us by fixing bugs and get to work deleting posts and accounts that violate site guide lines.
2017-01-29 21:06:07 UTC
Civil war.
2017-01-29 19:04:44 UTC
Another World War is what I fear the most because we now have a madman in the White House as a result of a rigged election from the highest government offices. In addition, to the assistance of cyber warfare from a greedy communist dictator.

It seems that the people who are now in charge of the government hate the government and the working class. We now have a government in total chaos and a wrecking crew destroying everything they don't like.

Unfortunately, they don't like programs that help and protect --We the People Of the United Stated Of American --who are not rich.
2017-01-28 00:11:58 UTC
that Trump is pushing the minute hand towards 12 as hard as he can
2017-01-27 19:13:23 UTC
Two and a half minutes away from doomsday? This article was posted longer than two and a half minutes away from now and I'm still here.

I doubt it is going to happen, humans can't determine when the world is gonna end. (if it's gonna happen at all.)

Years ago, people thought the world would end in 2012 and it never happened. Back then they thought the Mayan calendar was proof it was going to happen and now you think a so called "scientific doomsday clock" can prove we're going to die?
2017-01-27 16:02:50 UTC
How sad that mankind and a clock to define the end.
2017-01-27 09:17:52 UTC
2017-03-06 14:34:57 UTC
There is nothing wrong with the planet we live on. It's the way we treat each other that matters.
2017-03-05 23:29:11 UTC
Nothing worries me, for I am Arthur, King of the Britons! Son of Uther Pendragon, from the castle of Camelot. Now kneel before me, all of you!!! Kneel before Zod.
2017-03-04 23:02:13 UTC
The thing that worries me the most as The Doomsday Clock advances

is that there's still not enough popular will to change things,

as our democratic tendencies are very weak.
2017-03-04 21:13:31 UTC
What worries me the most about the Doomsday Clock is that most of us dismiss it as inaccurate, and therefore an irrelevant joke. Since it was created in 1947 at 7 minutes-to-midnight, the clock has never been further than 17 minutes away from total world destruction. What kind of clock is that? When was it ever noon...maybe sometime in pre-history?

Frankly, most of us look at the Doomsday Clock the same way we do a religious fanatic who runs down the street clutching a Bible yelling that the world is ending tomorrow. How many times have we heard those claims before, and yet the sun still rises? Accurate, or not, we've become immune to the Doomsday Clock.
2017-03-02 21:54:56 UTC
Nothing worries me. Actually, I'm quite shocked our specie has survived THIS long.
Abdul Malik Ishak
2017-02-26 00:52:43 UTC
Die without iman - faith.
2017-02-20 16:08:32 UTC
Nothing worries me at the moment. USA's president was absolutely the right choice and it brings safety all over the world. EU is having serious issues with the refugees although it seems like the inevitable backlash and retreat from those that supported the movement is on the rise - everything will return to normal soon.
Barney Google
2017-02-17 05:36:06 UTC
There is nothing so meaningless as "two and a half" seconds till ultimate extinction. The two and half seconds, is the amount of time between Ground Zero to people in a twenty mile radius, to jump under their desks, when they will be vaporized.
2017-02-16 02:44:27 UTC
Morons believing morons worries me the most. The real Doomsday Clock advanced more by Obama's deal with Iran than in all of history. But oddly, Trump's victory was recorded as a big advancement of the Doomsday Clock. What does this tell us about the people who run the Doomsday Clock? It tells us that they are idiots.. Anyone who gives them any credibility is an idiot as well.
2017-02-08 05:36:58 UTC
After Doomsday, the survivors will build a truly strong alien society.
2017-02-07 06:37:19 UTC
President Trump is behaving irrationally with world leaders. While some change is probably necessary, threatening statements to adversaries is troubling, as in acting with arrogance and lack of respect with long term allies rattles other countries which have trusted in the United States in the past. The European Union now has stated that the U.S. is a threat. He is also acting as a sycophant to Putin who is a murderous thug. Trump is an isolationist, fanning sentiment was already present in many of his followers. Basically, what all these things boil down to is a period of great instability. I am worried we are headed for trades wars and difficult economic times. Because of the instability it makes the world a more dangerous place hence moving the hands closer to midnight.
2017-02-06 17:30:32 UTC
Chicken Little the Sky will fall...sometime in the future, but when ?
2017-02-01 18:20:18 UTC
A hypothetical Clock that hypothetical advances causing real chaos.
2017-02-01 03:58:56 UTC
doesn't mean anything

close your questions
2017-01-31 23:52:49 UTC
What worries me the most about the "doomsday clock"

is that anyone takes it seriously.
2017-01-30 19:36:23 UTC
That there is a Doomsday Clock and the evil people who think it's okay to frighten other people with their theories!
2017-01-29 03:03:59 UTC
Nothing. It's just the end of the world for Liberals. Doom on!
2017-01-28 21:49:53 UTC
Trump declares a war by Twitter. Trump then launches nuclear missiles live while on twitter.
2017-01-28 21:34:53 UTC
4am Tweets
2017-01-27 01:46:55 UTC
what kind of a country my grandkids will inherit
2017-03-05 17:05:30 UTC
2017-03-05 02:19:19 UTC
Loco trump in the white house.

Loco Trump now has the nuclear codes.

can trump handle the nuclear codes now.
2017-03-05 00:09:45 UTC
North Korea or Iran, its a toss up who wants to kill millions more with their WMDs.
2017-03-04 20:05:01 UTC
Since the financial crisis of 2008, and the middle eastern uprisings in 2011, the world has gotten more and more confusing and unpredictable. This is what worries me: Chaos
2017-03-04 17:37:55 UTC
More unlawful upward manipulation by the Federal Reserve of the stock market to hurt value investors and coddle the wealthy and at the same time making the wealth divide even wider. I expect 90% of the world population to be living in poverty as central banks continue their assault on humanity. It could be stopped if everyone shouted out to the leaders to put a stop to it.
2017-03-03 15:45:03 UTC
Nothing, because it's only material based on predilections from a frightened group that never came true.
2017-03-02 19:40:50 UTC
what worries me the most is the LIBERALS the wacky liberals. they are hell bent on destroying us
2017-03-02 02:16:44 UTC
2017-03-01 22:44:32 UTC
2017-02-28 18:02:55 UTC
Nothing. Jesus is coming back soon. Many events going on in the world now point to the Book of Revelation. If you are Saved, and are living righteously according to the Word of God, you have nothing to be concerned about- those who are Saved, have the Holy Ghost and are living right will go up in the Rapture with Jesus.
2017-02-27 16:01:21 UTC
I would say global warming or acid rain in 2015, but its 2017 so TRUMP!
Stephen M
2017-02-26 00:23:24 UTC
Trump, Putin, & Kim

Climate Change

2017-02-11 16:57:21 UTC
What worries me most? I'm worried, above all else, that our megalomaniac-in-Chief, who is partly controlled partly by the Russians, and not at all by Democratic norms, laws, his own party, or any sense of self-discipline, will "push the button" in a snit against some other country whose ruler was "not nice" to him, thereby getting us into a nuclear war.

I can only hope that the Air Force officer who has the job of following him around with "The Football" has the good sense to deactivate the launch codes should Trump start acting even more erratic, and begin to babble about how we have nukes, why not use them?
2017-02-03 11:12:27 UTC
Everything and nothing at the same time. Gustavo Woltmann
2017-02-02 19:45:26 UTC
Not having a place to defecate.
General Chaos
2017-01-29 10:29:00 UTC
owerpopulation of global warming and owepopulation of idiots are signs of doomsday :D
Gary the Sneagle
2017-01-29 00:49:30 UTC
They just don't like Trump and can't be apolitical.
2017-01-28 21:53:08 UTC
the whole world worries me at the moment.
2017-01-28 19:34:47 UTC
2017-01-28 16:46:59 UTC
The thin-skinned, narcissistic, insecure, blowhard monomaniac with the launch codes who's been in office for 8 days now.
2017-03-07 22:14:19 UTC
the doomsday clock is a politically-motivated leftist scare tactic.

it has NOTHING to do with the real world chances of nuclear war.

in the 80's, the same bunch of globalist know-it-all's pushed their silly "clock hands" forward, hoping to scare people into thinking that president reagan would lead the world into nuclear confrontation.

instead, communism fell, and the berlin wall fell with it.
Respect Me
2017-03-07 19:44:52 UTC
Y'all do know that the Doomsday Clock don't refer to humans right? It's just a freaking clock that some idiot named Doomsday.
2017-03-06 16:39:43 UTC
People carrying signs saying the "End is Near" has been going on for over 2000 years. Who gets to decide if any particular event moves the clock hands forward or backwards?

Don't believe everything you read or see.
2017-03-06 16:07:04 UTC
That modern-day sheep think their doomsday clock is any better indication for the end of the world than the Mayan calendar.
2017-03-05 01:48:42 UTC
Pharmaceutical Companies, Greed Mongers, Bias Lying media trying to brainwash the people, Controlling governments, immorality, trash music that degrades and disrespects human beings, unconscientious people who serve the public but actually are only out for themselves despite what is morally the right thing to do. Godlessness.
tceffE rorriM
2017-03-05 00:07:14 UTC
If that's true (lollll)??? What worries? Nothing.
2017-03-03 18:39:02 UTC
The end of humanity will never come. But we are a short time away from the end of this wicked system of things.

:9-11,29 (ps 37:9-11,29)

Psalm 37:9-11

For evil men will be done away with,

But those hoping in Jehovah will possess the earth.

Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more;

You will look at where they were,

And they will not be there.

But the meek will possess the earth,

And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

The righteous will possess the earth,

And they will live forever on it.
2017-03-02 14:26:35 UTC
What global issue most worries me? Dumb S**t questions like this. Ever heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis? That's when the world was in deep doo-doo.

Some fool or fools have been predicting the end of the world ever since Christ walked the earth.
2017-03-02 01:31:02 UTC
That clock is controlled by a democrat ran college so it means nothing.
2017-03-01 20:35:15 UTC
My utility bills and legal immigrants.
2017-03-01 19:16:55 UTC
Global over-population is the most serious of our problems. We should have a population of around one billion. Instead, it is seven+ billion because people can't control their primal urges.
2017-03-01 19:13:30 UTC
Global issues? all the issues are created by humans alone. Nothing but humanity worries me the most.
2017-02-20 00:26:13 UTC
What worries me is the "doomsday" industry is still in business.
2017-02-19 21:45:45 UTC
Idiots claiming climate change is a hoax
2017-02-17 20:19:14 UTC
2017-02-08 00:57:27 UTC
Aliens just Aliens!
2017-02-04 04:28:11 UTC
Never having peace that everyone is equal in this world.
2017-02-01 20:00:37 UTC
Why worry? I am at peace.
2017-02-01 10:47:08 UTC
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz..............dooms day clock.

Don't you people have jobs?
2017-01-29 12:30:32 UTC
I fear that Trump will back off.
2017-03-06 16:12:01 UTC
Lots of things, but worrying wont help . my main worry is will my savings last until I go 6feet under, as I am a pensioner( pension Ha Ha ) I am living of my private money .
2017-03-05 21:58:45 UTC
that liberals don't understand the damage socialism does to mankind and will, by that lack of understanding advance it further.
2017-03-05 03:23:41 UTC
If my parents will prepare for survival. When the 2012 calender ink ran dry thing happened they just wanted to be in the house as a family. I wanted to go out find somewhere to hide since we have no emergency bunker to be a survivor help others. If doomsday does happen I m sure to hide and make it.
2017-03-05 01:41:33 UTC
2017-03-03 09:29:57 UTC
life sucks I just want it all to end
2017-03-02 20:47:35 UTC
that i didnt finish my biology homework
WorldWide Weird News
2017-03-02 17:11:11 UTC
A nuclear war
2017-03-01 23:25:05 UTC
The world wiol die not with a bang...but a wimper......the pandemic is coming, the worlds population is too big to keep surviving, heir will be a super flu that will wipe out half the worlds population..its unstopable and enviable.
2017-03-01 21:20:27 UTC
How good my shadows hair will look when its picture gets taken using the concrete as film.
Bert Weidemeier
2017-03-01 20:37:30 UTC
I worry that the media distorts this and people become fearful, which causes them to do foolish things.
2017-03-01 19:32:25 UTC
What worries me about it is, people actually believing that crap
2017-02-22 20:56:27 UTC
Let's just worry about life while we are all here. Death is just the part of life that happens at the end.
2017-02-20 18:15:10 UTC
Religion. Why is it still in practice when we have gained an abundance of knowledge that has proved it detrimental?
2017-02-20 03:18:04 UTC
Nothing, because it was closer under Obama.
2017-02-18 02:24:48 UTC
great, another end of the world thing.I'll bet anyone a million dollars it won't happen.

I updated my answer to include the following question. (At the time of the update) it has been a month from posting the question, so 2 and a half minutes came, went, and is long gone. I enjoy these end of the world postings.Their were so many of them I breezed through several levels answering that same question. It got to the point were I just copy and pasted the exact same answer dozens of times.I hope another end of the world prediction comes around, I like when it doesn't happen and everyone has to backpedal
2017-02-09 20:27:04 UTC
That fear is self perpetuating. So many view doom as inevitable that they create the thing they wish to avoid by holding a pessimistic view. People don t understand just how real the law of attraction can be. Their complacency with demise is the source of mutual destruction.
Dangerous Derp
2017-02-06 20:06:33 UTC
Trump as president should be scaring the crap out of anyone .

But aside from that stupidity, the more pressing global problem is the sheer amount of trash and plastics in our oceans .
2017-01-29 07:14:18 UTC
There's always some knucklehrad trying worry people when us folks should take 1 day @ a time
2017-01-28 12:43:28 UTC
what makes you think I am worried at all? doomsday so called will come when God declares it not when you post it on YAs.....
Lucius T Fowler
2017-01-28 03:52:03 UTC
Deforestation is the issue that worries me most. For decades, humans have been felling trees for no purpose other than growing cattle, and beef isn't even the tastiest meat of all. As a matter of fact, fresh beef is almost indigestible. If people raised chicken instead of cattle, forests would renew themselves, and still nobody would starve.
Zaphod Beeblebrox
2017-03-06 06:36:17 UTC
The utter ignorance, stupidity and laziness of the masses that has been made painfully apparent by questions and answers posted on Yahoo Answers. Very worrisome indeed if this is any indication of the larger demographic it represents.
Just Say No to War
2017-03-05 13:36:33 UTC
The doomsday clock. How hilarious. Life goes on as usual.
2017-03-04 05:40:44 UTC
what worries me most are the idiots that fabricate doomsday clocks and try to convince the rest of us to worry about their paranoia.
David S
2017-03-03 16:52:28 UTC
I will be caught in the down stroke.
2017-03-02 20:15:50 UTC
The mass worries me. Mainly because they believe in stupid stuff like this along with a bunch of other stupid things like "race realism", rape culture, white genocide, and reptilian-Jew conspiracy. I have been hearing about how the world will burn and end. It's not. So many people had many chances to prove this fallacious claim. And guess what? They all fail. Nothing happen. I am still here. It's time that mankind embrace logic, reason, humanity, philosophy, and progression. These foolish ideas will perish and burn in the coming years.
2017-03-02 19:16:50 UTC
daylight saving
2017-03-02 00:53:04 UTC
They thought it was doomsday in 1975
2017-03-01 20:14:51 UTC
Nothing worries me. When it's time to go, it's time to go. Bring it on.
2017-02-25 17:38:30 UTC
What worries me most is people taking seriously this idiotic notion of a "doomsday clock" and giving it any credibility. The country is not in any danger of being involved in a nuclear war but people make a big deal out of it simply because alleged scientists want to advance their own political agenda they set further ahead than it has been since the 1950s. This in itself shows it's all politically motivated, how on Earth can they claim we're closer to nuclear war now than we were during the Cuban missile crisis? I'm not a Trump fan, in fact I detest all politics and politicians but people need to stop believing the tabloid headlines they see online and try thinking for themselves, the only danger this country would be in from a nuclear weapon would be if it fell into the hands of terrorists but in fairness nobody can claim that Trump is overly eager to allow those with terrorist ties into the country.
2017-02-17 20:52:36 UTC
What awaits me in my life after death!
2017-02-16 19:30:56 UTC
What few days I have on His planet, the less time I give in to silliness,

Why worry about issues that one can not understand and some of the issues that above your comprehension.
2017-02-12 18:47:47 UTC
When the batteries drain out, so will we.
2017-02-10 18:32:44 UTC
Worry is a waste of time true, I've never worried about them, ae. People have predicted disaster since ancient ti
2017-02-10 06:29:33 UTC
What a crock of ****!
Smokies Hiker
2017-02-08 21:58:47 UTC
That I'm sitting here doing this when the Doomsday Clock strikes for the last time!
2017-02-03 20:19:44 UTC
That people are taking political opinions from physics experts as gospel.
2017-02-03 04:02:51 UTC
Trump`s presidency. I too, have see many predicted disasters come and go with nothing happening. I`ve never seen anything like this. I`m 71 yrs. old. I`ve never seen anything like this Trump fiasco. I even agreed with some of the things he wanted to do. Not necessarily how he wanted to do them, but if all this crap continues I really believe this will all end very bad times for our country. Our country has ALWAYS BEEN GREAT. We`re great because we "walk softly, and carry a big stick". I don`t think I`ve ever truly been ashamed of our country until now. It`s very sad.
2017-01-31 01:19:03 UTC
I honestly think it's wrong, but if anything ever does start to happen then that's when I'll be calling every single family member saying I love them.
2017-01-30 21:43:55 UTC
The clock could be off. Maybe, it is sooner than we think. I think nuclear weapons are still the main threat. Technology is in the hands of more people today that at anytime in history. Information is too easy to retrieve. And people can be bought because greed is rampant. Additionally, Trump has spoken as if we don't have enough nuclear weapons. All of these factors make me think, the doomsday clock is closer to going off than what scientists have told us.
2017-01-27 17:55:52 UTC
2017-03-07 20:58:59 UTC
what concerns me is that people pay attention to the so-called "DOOMS DAY CLOCK" something that doesnt even exist and they miss out on enjoying there own lives !!
2017-03-07 11:46:17 UTC
that somehow the idiots that caused it will somehow not be affected
2017-03-07 01:48:52 UTC
oh no, it can't - I'm booked solid!

What worries me is that people take it so seriously.

Remember how people totally freaked over Dec. 21 2012?

And we're still heeeeeere!
2017-03-06 22:54:58 UTC
Nothing at that point. Longer term, I worry about revolution in America given radical liberals running amok!
Alpha Beta
2017-03-05 01:43:08 UTC
Panic based on some tweet or fake news article will be our undoing ... people everywhere need to educate themselves on a variety of topics & then relax, think before acting, and then confirm the news before acting. Humans are stupid in many ways ... and one of those ways is unreasonable, unjustified panic based on an unconfirmed report. Even the news media and journalists jump to conclusions before any facts are known ... and they are the supposed professionals.
2017-03-03 18:03:17 UTC
they didn't use ever ready's and on a cloudy day the electricity got turned off...
2017-03-03 17:56:15 UTC
All of the people who think it can't happen. Will it be nukes? Will it be global warming? How about an asteroid? A virus?

Remember humans have roamed the earth for only an instant, geologically speaking, and they will disappear just as fast.
2017-03-03 14:39:11 UTC
mabye halflife 3 will come out
2017-03-03 03:07:27 UTC
Im going to die anyways. Im worried about not living it to the fullest
2017-03-01 20:27:33 UTC
that the burrito i put in the microwave will be done cooking in 2 minutes and 45 seconds and i bought a bike that ships in 2 days on amazon
2017-02-28 00:23:32 UTC
There are many things that worry me, most of which the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have already covered in their briefing this year, but what worries me the most is that we'll lose our humanity and compassion.

I worry that we'll stop caring for others in the same way we once did long ago due to the toxic political environment,

I worry that we'll lose all motivation to preserve our natural resources and wildlife.

I worry that a heartless, corrupt economy and government will soon rule us all, much like what happened to the US in the Second Industrial Revolution where a small percentage of people controlled nearly all of the wealth.

I worry that progress will stop marching on for social justice, perhaps even go backward.

Finally, I worry that we'll lose the qualities that made humanity worth saving- patience, respect, humbleness, kindheartedness, selflessness, and generosity to name a few.

Just about all of this is causing the problems that led the Doomsday Clock to advance. If we don't band together and soften the hearts of our politicians and world leaders, we will only go down a path of certain doom and hopelessness.
New here
2017-02-22 11:18:05 UTC
Nothing. My sins are under the blood and thats all that really matters.
2017-02-19 22:12:44 UTC
id1ots like you!
Q The First Timelord
2017-02-06 19:59:25 UTC
2017-02-04 09:07:17 UTC
The guy who is in office now worries me the most.
2017-02-03 19:14:19 UTC
Yahoo Support Number @ +1^800^782^3911
2017-02-02 17:28:47 UTC
this is fake
Fabulous Strike
2017-01-31 11:42:23 UTC
Nothing at all, those two and a half minutes were day ago now and were still here.
2017-01-27 15:52:50 UTC
You f*cking liberal lunatics
2017-01-27 02:22:34 UTC
That there are people who actually get paid to do that.
2017-03-07 17:27:36 UTC
Does yahoo know somthing we do not Doomsday not for Billions of years.
2017-03-07 15:16:32 UTC
The impeachement of Trump takes too long.
2017-03-06 04:03:06 UTC
That I might never see midnight
2017-03-05 21:21:41 UTC
its fake
2017-03-05 00:22:46 UTC
Not being able to save all of my friends.
2017-03-03 20:06:25 UTC
Idiots that think that this is relevant. How long has the "Doomsday clock" been just shy of midnight anyway. Pretty much since it was made up. Just something to keep the sheep from realizing that they can't be bothered with really taking a good look at what their politician do.
2017-03-02 16:52:40 UTC
i'd say all these women roaming around, they should go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich
2017-03-02 03:20:39 UTC
What worries me the most? The fact that idiots still believe this bullshit!

Do you know how many times the end of the world has been predicted, and FAILED? It's no wonder the NWO network controls people like puppets, because wild coyotes are infinitely more intelligent than THIS!
2017-03-01 18:25:05 UTC
2017-02-23 12:10:13 UTC
That I may never get laid again
2017-02-21 16:29:55 UTC
that i never got to go on an adventure
2017-02-19 07:54:43 UTC
i have run out of cares
2017-02-14 16:03:15 UTC
The only thing that worries me is that there are still a fairly high percentage of gullible liberals that buy into this sort of drivel and other propaganda that liberal "media" like CNN, MSNBC, and Yahoo are pushing on the sheep.
2017-02-12 19:47:59 UTC
The fact that someone could make their apocalyptic religious ideas a self-fulfilling prophecy.
2017-02-06 15:11:12 UTC
I am most concerned about the proliferation of apathy. We have so many problems that the old men in charge no longer think that they can be solved and so they are grabbing all of the money that they can on the way out of this world. If the people in charge seem unconcerned, then the populace becomes unconcerned. I am also wondering whether the clock is set to Pacific Coast Time or East Coast Time.
2017-02-03 01:18:31 UTC
As the second hand ticks, the Donald fiddles
2017-01-30 22:05:46 UTC
What worries me the most is how many people actually fall for this doom and gloom stuff and think that it is actual and factual.
2017-01-30 08:09:01 UTC
2017-01-29 23:16:54 UTC
2017-01-29 04:42:45 UTC
Your question: "The Doomsday Clock advances - what worries you the most? The Doomsday Clock is now only two and a half minutes away from the end of humanity. What global issue most worries you? To catch up on the update, read:"

I am worried that elected and appointed officials and the majority of the electorate do not understand our dire situation and it is at least in part because of guys Lawrence M. Krauss, the man behind the article at issue:

"Krauss is the author of several bestselling books, including "The Physics of Star Trek" (1995)... Krauss describes himself as an antitheist and takes part in public debates on religion. Krauss is featured in the 2013 documentary The Unbelievers, in which he and Richard Dawkins travel across the globe speaking publicly about the importance of science and reason as opposed to religion and superstition. He has participated in many debates with religious apologists..."


The article at issue is cited elsewhere on Yahoo!'s sites without regard to any realistic appraisal of nuclear threats in the world today and how it became that way over time.

Lawrence M. Krauss' opinion on nuclear proliferation varies with the political affiliation of the U.S. administration:

"One of the key charges Hillary Clinton made during the campaign was that the outspoken businessman could not be trusted with nuclear weapons. Trump has done little to alleviate those fears since his victory in November, tweeting that the U.S. should “greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability.”


If you learn anything from this post it should be the seriousness of nuclear proliferation. The article at issue and Mr. Krauss in particular are not published with that in mind.


Please memorize this nuclear physics fact: Uranium is the stuff from which plutonium 239, the main ingredient of nuclear fission bombs, is made. Nuclear fission bombs are used to initiate the more powerful nuclear fusion bombs. Pu-239 is extracted from spent fuel by means of certain solvents and other chemical processes and high speed centrifuges.


That should mean something very significant to your survival after you read the article below:

"The article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.... the company’s story was hardly front-page news in the United States — until early 2008, in the midst of Mrs. Clinton’s failed presidential campaign, when The Times published an article revealing the 2005 trip’s link to Mr. Giustra’s Kazakhstan mining deal. It also reported that several months later, Mr. Giustra had donated $31.3 million to Mr. Clinton’s foundation."

by JO BECKER and MIKE McINTIRE, 23 April 2015, The New York Times



The Russian Federation is the source of nuclear technology to a terrorist state, the Islamic Republic of Iran, far more than enough to produce nuclear weapons of various yields ad hoc. Iran has since 1979 been a sworn mortal enemy of the United States. It is a non-negotiable position on their part:

"Tehran (AFP) - The Iranian foreign minister’s reported handshake with US President Barack Obama triggered chants of "Death to America" in Tehran’s parliament... Despite the July 14 nuclear accord between Tehran and world powers led by the United States, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said Washington remains Tehran’s ‘number one enemy’."

Agence France-Presse (AFP), 30 September 2015



Mini nukes are derivatives of nuclear artillery shells developed in the 1950s.

One day some Islam inspired terrorists will almost certainly develop or acquire miniaturized nuclear devices which they will then use in lieu of C4 or other conventional military explosives.

If and when that happens, the event below will become by comparison a trivial footnote in history:

"The 7 July 2005 London bombings (often referred to as 7/7) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks [by Islamic terrorists] in central London, which targeted civilians using the public transport system during the morning rush hour… The explosions were caused by homemade organic peroxide-based devices packed into backpacks."


2017-03-07 15:07:01 UTC
That people actually believe this crap.
2017-03-06 15:55:21 UTC
people going insane due to mob mentality
2017-03-06 12:35:27 UTC
2017-03-06 03:22:38 UTC
Nothing worries me, it's just some meaningless scientific clock.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2017-03-04 16:46:19 UTC
Nothing, considering the fact if you look at the time as a 24 hour clock, mankind only arrived on the planet at 5 to 12 new year eve, oh and this question was asked at least one month ago.
2017-03-04 11:35:38 UTC
Trump will save all of humanity, not to worry you weak faithless liberals!
2017-03-03 00:49:36 UTC
2017-03-02 20:00:03 UTC
My father was a watchmaker, he abandoned it when Einstein discovered time is relative. I would only agree that a symbolic clock is as nourishing to the intellect as a photograph of oxygen to a drowning man. I'm not saying there is no danger, I'm saying that even in a world without nuclear weapons there would still be danger. Living beings including humans are going to die no matter what we do and how we die is completely irrelevant.
2017-03-02 19:09:48 UTC
President Trump says he wants people to fear the USA.

Remind me again how fear played out for the USSR ?

In the end it was a lack of world confidence that their

depleted currency could pay for their fear factor. And,

my President is dishonest enough to be bankrupt again.
2017-03-02 01:13:28 UTC
That i won't have enough time to fap
2017-03-01 22:38:43 UTC
That my internet connection will fail. Along with yahoo stalling while all those graphics and video advertisements load before I can read the content I am looking for. Don't think for one minute I, or millions of others have not noted that all your feature events and people have their story (or op-ed) in two separate parts all of which has its own advertisements. I worry about things I have a little influence over not the things about which I can do nothing. Hollywood has shown us every conceivable method by which all life on earth is destroyed. Earth quakes, super volcanoes, meteors, bacterial pandemics, nuclear bombs, global warming, etc., etc., etc. all over which I have not the slightest influence. So just speed up your downloads. The number of your ads are getting worse than television and those are really annoying. I never click on those "sponsored" stories. Those are really the pits. Enough venting.
2017-03-01 20:11:44 UTC
For every human that die each day it is their doomsday.
2017-03-01 19:36:34 UTC
--the consequences of intolerance
2017-02-20 11:20:43 UTC
Your question itself worries me the most.
2017-02-14 15:07:33 UTC
Will not be around to see the result
Bada Bing
2017-02-10 20:35:59 UTC
Gary B
2017-02-10 14:58:32 UTC
None of it.

The "Doomsday Clock" is just advertising based on science fiction.

There is no REAL evidence of these dire predictions, we do not KNOW what any individuals will do under pressure, and NO ONE can accurately predict the future, at least not to this "2 minutes to midnight" degree.

Bunch of crap.
2017-01-31 18:43:14 UTC
2017-01-30 20:12:10 UTC
Yahoo Technical Support@ +1^800^782^3911
2017-01-28 00:36:28 UTC
The Doomsday Clock is absurd "balle". I'm not worried about such nonsense.
2017-03-07 02:15:48 UTC
oh i'm so scared.
2017-03-04 07:35:41 UTC
the self fullfilling nature of this domsday clock, i was hoping for an ebola outbreak that would cut us back a lot on the old weak rich folks, and maybe I could get a good chance at something, I think I could get enbola and shake it off since I been stepped on like a boot heel all my life.
2017-03-04 02:17:10 UTC
What worries me most?

That Trump will be impeached before he does anything wrong.

That Merkel will stay in power in the EU.

That when EU falls apart it may be replaced by something worse.

That Putin invades some Western country and that country's allies wouldn't take it as seriously as they should due to the current political climate.

That Trump is too old and may not run in the next election and a much worse republican could win (which they will if someone like that becomes the republican candidate because democrats didn't learn anything from losing this election).

That may sound like a lot, but I have faith that these things may not happen, other than Trump being too old, because he really is but even with that I still hope that another good republican candidate will come up and that losing two elections will help democrats understand that they need to put the needs of the people first as well.
2017-03-03 09:06:15 UTC
What worries me is the fear mongering ya ll do. Stop, you re spreading fear, the world isn t ending anytime soon. We are learning to take care of our planet at an alarming rate so stop this bullshit.
2017-03-02 05:38:39 UTC
That people can't seem to understand the clock is based on the human reality that the clock really is based on human stupidity.

Not that the clock is inconceivable but the clock is based on how close human stupidity pushes the seconds hand. Lets research how the more our actual clock tics the more insane Nuclear extinction reality exists. Iran idiot leaders, N. Korea recent nuclear testing, Putin riding around on horses with his shirt off more concerned with how macho he is than any humanity and his henchmen that would kill or push that button the very moment they think they have the world in check mate like any other pompous jerk thru out history would have probably done so given todays technology. Peaceful nations tend to forget and bury their heads in the sand thru out history which constantly leads to war except this time its for keeps and the insane that shouldn't be in charge of a cake walk will take advantage every time especially now when world initialization is literally a button touch away.

Thats what the Doomsday Clock is based on. Anybody who can't wrap their mind around that needs to leave Disney Land and open their eyes.

Also, Tribulation. I'm sure many eyes will roll at the mere thought of anything Biblical or pertaining to God. Eyes that refuse to see will be opened to reality sooner or later.

Laugh now, cry later.

I am a sinner like all but I absolutely know, not just believe in God.

Make fun, get mad, snub and think bad constantly of true Christianity all you want now but ask yourselves, if you are of the belief that it is ridiculous why are you so passionate about whether God exists? Millions don't believe in Big Foot either but you don't see them constantly getting angry and wanting to ridicule, get oh so mad or start wars over their version or kill over it.

True believers or knowers or whatever you choose to label them know their is no religion with nutty acts. There is just God and he wants us to love each other, do good and know he is there for you.

Good is written on every ones heart. Gods commandments may seem like chains to many but are in reality the way to true happiness. I don't claim to know why on everything but I know sin starts out fun and ends in misery. The ruler of the air deception. Easily blind and see it without recognizing it. The reckoning will come for all on God's Clock. Does that statement make you mad? Why? Its ridiculous to you ,right? You could go on and on about it ,right? But just dismiss Big foot or anything else you think ridiculous and move on with your perception of reality. But not the God conversation? Everybody has their own doomsday clock got anything to do with that?
Disco Stu
2017-03-01 21:52:03 UTC
No one has any faith in humanity anymore. Why has the Doomsday Clock even been put forward? Global warming? Trump, is less of a threat on the world stage than Clinton would have been. Didn't the establishment give Barack Obama a Nobel Peace Prize, which he didn't deserve? It's partly down to pro-establishment punks who think Brexit and Trump mean the collapse of civilization, instead of their future.
2017-03-01 00:12:39 UTC
The rise of Nationalists in numerous countries, including ours. Have we learned nothing from the last two times Nationalists took over? Each time, they started a World War. But - let me guess - somehow, THIS time will be DIFFERENT...
2017-02-23 19:28:24 UTC
Nuclear warfare. There's a lot of power in those weapons, enough to destroy everything. Humanity is the true threat, though. All we've done as a species is destroy.
2017-02-23 11:50:48 UTC
I'd worry about my kids
2017-02-17 16:33:56 UTC
that people are actually stupid enough to be worried about a doomsday clock
Marg C
2017-02-17 14:21:09 UTC
Nothing worries me my Jesus is in charge. No matter what happens he has me.
2017-02-14 13:08:11 UTC
The human race needs to be annihilated they are a disgusting race full of greed hate and whore mongering. I'm glad I haven't been a part of it since 1993.
2017-02-09 12:22:04 UTC
That I spoke too loud at the funeral for Uncle Al last weekend and therefore his widow will be offended.

That it will snow on Christmas and I won't be able to go see everyone.

That I will plan a trip and be excited but will have to cancel due to a health emergency or death in the family.

That people remember me for bad social skills I had at times in my life.

That I smell and don't realize it.

That Mom and Dad won't let me go somewhere on Christmas and I'll have to fight them to go (I am 35).

That I will accidentally send a personal email to the wrong person.

That I am a 2nd tier person in how well known.

That I am going to be sick on Christmas.


and many-many-many-many other things including re-living fears from grade-school (I am PTSD).

But Doomsday Clock is not on my fear list.
2017-02-05 20:38:55 UTC
It worries me that I didn't had the chance to tell "I love You" to the people I care the most in this world.
2017-01-31 16:52:08 UTC
That America does not have a strong pro-environment leader. People need to be id to do the hard things like give up cheaper, more comfort, more beauty, more power right now in order to be comfortable tomorrow. We have a picture of the past being worse than now but we can't imagine the future as being worse for everyone.
2017-01-30 17:07:59 UTC
That anyone is stupid enough to take it seriously.
2017-01-30 07:01:15 UTC



2017-01-27 22:25:52 UTC
trumps our president now. sorry if you don't like him but we will be weak as a country if when he makes big decisions we don't back him up . I know at least 60 people who would laugh if he as killed visiting North Korea when we should be thinking WWIII
2017-01-27 22:11:15 UTC
listen up readers! don't be fooled into thinking there will be any other cause for our demise than what i am about to tell you. this is unavoidable and you can prep all you want in vain but when this event happens it is utterly unavoidable. no matter where you run to or how many precautionary measures you took to prepare for it, there is no way out. we are trapped in a toaster oven with a lock on the door that is unbreakable. that locks name is gravity. our demise will primarily consist of 2 things. we will all die from either heat stroke or suffocation. you will all soon and when i say soon i mean very soon be subjected to a planet engulfed in flames. fires on 6 of the 7 continents will burn uncontrollably pumping tons upon millions of tons of smoke into our atmosphere coinciding with huge amounts of relentless heat that will ultimately kill us all. this is going to start this summer and perhaps do us in this summer either that or set the tone for a scary scary 2018! enjoy the last few weeks of cold we have left because this summer is going to bring a heat to the world like never felt before.
2017-01-27 16:27:30 UTC
suck a d!ck
2017-03-05 14:56:49 UTC
What worries me is that time isn't passing fast enough.
2017-03-05 10:53:00 UTC
My faith fading worries me.
2017-03-05 09:02:09 UTC
What worries me most is that, you never know when....
2017-03-03 03:20:07 UTC
What worries me more than the doomsday clock (I made it through the Cold War, when the world was suppose to meet it's nuclear end), is that fact that.....

1. Yahoo is fear mongering with this type of thing.

2. The Yahoo Answers blog addresses everything EXCEPT for what is going on with Yahoo Answers.

3. The fact that the Yahoo Answers Team doesn't even care enough to get rid of the helpline spammers and

other violations on their own question.
2017-03-02 06:48:10 UTC
The Yahoo Answers Team. That worries me a lot.
2017-03-01 23:59:19 UTC
Nothing worries me. When our time is up, it's up. Nothing can be done about it so worrying is pointless.
2017-03-01 23:31:08 UTC
What worries me most is that the end won't happen. No nuclear exchange. :(
2017-03-01 18:56:34 UTC
It matters. But I am looking at the prophetic clock.
2017-03-01 03:51:54 UTC
balogni, Trump wants to get along with Russia and climate change is inevitable and not the end of the world.
2017-02-25 13:59:41 UTC
Really not concerned about it.
2017-02-21 16:29:43 UTC
If the world will end how will I ever find out how my show ends?
2017-02-13 18:01:19 UTC
you mean when the gov't collapses? I hope that doesn't happen, but that will concern me.
2017-02-13 17:28:02 UTC
I am afraid that I haven't done everything that I need to do in my lifetime.. But at the same time, I am not going to be thinking about the Doomsday Clock ticking away, I will try and accomplish most with all the time I get.... And another important thing is that, I want to know whether Trumps Policies actually help America and the World!.. :)
2017-02-06 04:25:23 UTC
2017-02-04 00:42:27 UTC
The doomsday clock has had to be reset to an earlier time numerous times. That doesn't exactly inspire confidence in it.
2017-02-03 14:57:05 UTC
Que sera, sera. I have made my peace with God and my Savior.
2017-02-03 13:26:09 UTC
Nothing. There's nothing I can do about this, so I don't worry.
2017-02-03 05:30:07 UTC
what worries me is this kind of jew propaganda... it's pathetic so numerous people buy this fear p0rn...
2017-01-29 01:53:04 UTC
The world AIDS epidemic . No actually that's ok ill go for West bromwich albion getting relegated.
2017-01-27 10:57:25 UTC
None, we've got to fulfill the book.
2017-03-05 23:38:09 UTC
That there are activists who have designated themselves to be experts and have a compliant bias news media to distribute their crap.
2017-03-05 16:47:54 UTC
Back when the US & USSR were the only two nuclear powers on earth it was relevant, since then nuclear power has spread, alliances have changed and continue to change. Right now it is like a watch that runs when it wants to and highly inaccurate.
Best Answer
2017-02-15 02:38:44 UTC
That I won't be here to see it, or that it might happen at night when I'm asleep and I'll miss it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.