how best can you serve the world by the spreading of aggro-forestry?
2007-01-13 10:01:15 UTC
how best can you serve the world by the spreading of aggro-forestry?
101 answers:
Cherish B
2007-01-13 10:17:24 UTC
There are different companies who give away trees for you to plant

last year our electric company gave away trees to everyone who were served by them. I planted ours with a bunch of others in a place where the forestry said would do the most good for now. Since then I have learned about Urban forestry and how it helps not only the economy but also the air quality --- of course the ecstatic value.

Check into your states' forestry and the city for urban forestry. Each company has a different educational and other career needs if this is how you want to go for a career.

I am looking at the IT end of it

Conservation Technician

here is a good place to start

good luck
2007-01-18 02:14:24 UTC
Our world has now a days become our personal property, and we are like a monkey in a forest. We do what ever we wish to do to serve our personal interest no matter others are affected or not. To help we must stop building super markets, which is nothing but out let of money. Government should mark and distribute cultivated , forest , industry & Office & residence.Government should protect Forest, give more importance to Agro business, and not to chemical oriented business. Strong discipline on Pollution (Both Air and Water, etc). THe instrument see that Air and water is free from pollution.In acse of any de-forestation proper permition from govt authority should be made available.

Public awareness on This is more important. More over the most important is our basic education. We actually do not know the right things. what we see from channel / media we know, we know very little through reading. Here media can also be very good instrument for spreding agro-forestry.

The world populations' 70 % eat only Non-vegetarian, hardly they like green vegitables, More demand of vegitables will increase agro - forestry.

The most important part is awareness and Government policy. How strong is the discipline ation.
2007-01-19 00:58:49 UTC
I think aggro-forestry is the only solution to the problems that our planet faces today. I mean, today no country has been sparred from natural calamities and I personally see this as nature's revenge from mankind for the damage we have done to it. I live in India - country of rivers surrounded by the great seas and the great Indian Ocean. But it is also a country that faces problems of famine and drought every year. Farmers, the backbone of this country, are committing suicide because drought leaves them with no water to even drink, let alone irrigating their fields. And the root cause - absence of trees. People have ruthlessly cut down these innocent and most useful creations of nature for their own greedy plans. Money - that's what they want and not a safe and beautiful world for the future generations. We usually blame the populated surroundings for the health problems we all face today. But only a few realise that these problems can be solved by bringing back the green cover that we ourselves have destroyed and then there are even fewer who try to do something about it. I hope this initiative by you spreads across like a wild fire and inspires people to plant at least one plant in their life time and also oppose those who try to destroy nature's greatest gift to man.
Arun Kant B
2007-01-21 07:47:44 UTC
As the world is changing to concrete Jungle. on each birhday of my children all children who are invited for birthday will plant the trees. As children are the fastest media to spread the message. This way aggro-forestry can be served
nida fathima
2007-01-20 04:25:32 UTC
"how best can we serve the world by the spreading of aggro-forestry?"

pretty much!

The spreading of aggro-forestry itself can show us how much we can serve the world.

Firstly,by sreading this there is surely going to be a lot of employment.

Secondly,the forest area can be increased which can reduce the environmental problems like global warming etc.

So, it is the best topic to serve the country
kannan M
2007-01-19 09:41:03 UTC
I am really happy to take part in answering this question.

In the modern computer world everything slowly moves towards the industries and plenty of agricultural lands are being not used for cultivation. There are number of reasons for these like inconsistency in rainfall, poor wage, less margin for high amount human efforts and expensive fertilisers and so on, Though the people now a days in the industry are able to lead better lift standard than the formers with least effort. This makes the formers to try for the alternative ways to lead their life rather than preferring agriculture.

We must be able to find the easy way to do agriculture even with low rain or high temperature or cold using the advanced technology. And people should be encouraged to plant the trees and grow them.

For small punishments, it can be given to them as to plant and care about number of trees beside the regular punishments.

Students must be educated well enough to understand the need of forest and agriculture and they have to be more ehelpful in implementing this.

Though government take number of initatives in improving the nature, it can be successful only if the people of the land supports and cooperates.
2007-01-17 21:17:03 UTC
First of all why do we need to spread agro forestry.

? Are we really that serious in this agro forestry program? Do you really believe that agro forestry will help the world we are living?

If this agro forestry program is really that important, why oh why that our present living best leaders all over the world are not that serious about this program?

So if you are asking how can I best serve the world by this agro forestry program? well I must admit I cannot do it all by myself. The question should be change to How can we serve the world by this agro forestry program?

We can best serve the world by this agro forestry program if we can compel by hook or by crooked our goverrment leaders or the United Nations to make an international law requiring all countries to have this agro forestry program. And those who will break the law will be sanctioned.

Because without the law and the strict implemantation it will just be like a politicians promise, we will be just waiting our time talking and exhanging ideas.

We must act now.
Rajat K
2007-01-20 03:22:23 UTC
The best way to serve the spreading of aggro-forestry is planting one sapling a day and if that is not possible we should atleast try and see that existing forest cover is not destroyed indiscriminately
2007-01-18 07:10:16 UTC
People think they have all the answers, well think on this.

Plating trees and shrubs and slash cutting, deforesting and replanting trees for harvesting are all well and good. However, We missed the boat here. We can not tree farm to compensate for deforesting due to the fact that when we do this we displace the creatures that lived there. It becomes a Sterile Environment.

Planting a tree or shrub is a noble idea but imagine how many animals and trees were displaced to put up your dwelling. It is because of man's want to spread out that this world suffers. It could not have been put any better than when the agent was talking to Morpheus in "Matrix" when the agent was describing the human species. He compared us to a virus, spreading out, destroying and multiplying...makes me sick and I have a part in this.
Dinesh P
2007-01-18 06:03:58 UTC
Aggro-Forestry is very important for the earth to survive. To cut the trees for devlopment is no answer. Mass plantaion of big long life trees is a must now and Government can play a big roll into this by mobilizing resources towards this, eucating people that without tree there is no future for anybody. So UN can set penalties for countries which are not within guidelines of min.

requirements set by UN on the subject.
2007-01-18 08:38:00 UTC
Plants are the living systems on the earth, it's very siple learn in 10th standard that how the living system works but no one follows this system and just forget it as a question paper. Actually if there are no trees then there is no posibilities of living beings coz trees playes the vital role to form the living beings, the very best thing the grenary makes is the complete OZON layer and only coz of this layer over earths living system is possible. So to servive long on this beautiful and havenly earth save the grenary and grow more and more trees. There is nothing harm in cutting the trees but make sure you plant the same equl number of trees as our Late PM Lal Bhadur Shashtriji said , if you cut one tree plant 10 trees and the greenary will be maintained, not it was a decade when he said this coz now if you need to cut one tree one should plant 100 trees then and then only the system would be in proper... JAI BHARAT
(*-*) kirthi (
2007-01-21 01:55:59 UTC
We can provide to the world for spreading of aggro forestry ,growing coconut trees,teak wood trees, Castor oil plants in the border/outer of aggro field
2007-01-18 06:30:37 UTC
Cutting tree ,abusing the nature is always a trend in human history.Human have exploited the nature for it's own benifit .

But in today's world tree are not beign slaed for food or shelter but for accomodation. Tree could be saved by spreading awareness among the people .This awareness should be related to human population,family planning.So tha we can have a hold on the growing population.The awareness camp should be held in country which are poor and still developing

There should advertisement held by governement of that country .
Jayant P
2007-01-17 21:56:54 UTC
People generally do not resort to an economic activity unless it has greater returns than the market rate. Aggro Forestry could be applicable in countries that depend on forest products such as wood, animal products etc. Not every geography depends on forest products. Many countires depend on other economic measures such a tourism, software, manufacturing etc. So, each geography would have its own way of using aggro forestry. There is no one stop shop.
Vijey a
2007-01-20 04:01:26 UTC
We can do the best through huge social organisation like NSS etc. Start one organisation nationwide, all must be a member on that and through that spread the aggro-forestry.
2007-01-18 09:42:53 UTC

Agrro-forestry is the big problem at this time.Let me one thing those gave the answer of this question are implement there statement.No, because the people of our pay no attention to country future.So first of all if we want to solve this problem we getting up the people of the country and try to give them a strong desire and if we gave any statement then we have to complete it.If we want to spreading the agrro-forestry in whole world then sop cutting of tree and forest. if one person plant ten tree or small plant then i am sure the whole picture of our world can be change and we save the world and make it beautiful
miles 2 miles _
2007-01-20 09:48:48 UTC
our smooth knowledge is best serve the world by the spreading of aggro-forestry
2016-02-18 19:29:11 UTC
Check into your states' forestry and the city for urban forestry. Each company has a different educational and other career needs if this is how you want to go for a career.
2007-01-18 21:24:33 UTC
Agro-forestry means growing perennial woody trees species along with annual crops and animals. It is more sustainable because the system as a whole is a cycle in which trees and crops/ animals will have complementory effects so that it is natural and not harmful in any way to nature. We can grow food crops and animals without disturbing the forest. Trees will provide energy needs of family as fuel-wood, besides providing wood for furniture, fodder for animals etc. Animals will provide organic manure to crops and milk and meat to the family members. Thus system as a whloe is full and sustainable. through this system we can get our forest based needs from trees in farm not from traditional forest. Hence, we can save the forest, means nature and hence, we can save the planet.
2007-01-17 21:58:22 UTC
I have just read all of the posted answers that i could, and realize now more than ever that educating is not the answer.

Teaching better social skills is not the answer, and trying to be more understanding of our neighbors is not the answer...

What this all about is anger, hate, ignorance, and defiance; all

being motivated and funded by radical movements and hypocrits

with little or no conscience and/or morals...

It is no different than cancer... It must be surgically removed, in order to preserve life...I am sorry to say but this is what needs to be done to terrorists...It would be nice to think that educating is the answer, but unfortunately, this has progressed to far. It needs to be dealt with now, and it a manor that only a terrorist would understand and identify with...

It is time for those countries that want to preserve freedom and

live in peace to step up and band together, and deal with this issue in a serious and accelerated manor.. The time to act is now, not later....too many people have already paid too high a price...
kesavan k
2007-01-21 06:27:50 UTC
The agro forestry is much essential to the growth of agricultural products without fertilizers and pesticides. Spreading of agro forestry helps the farmers world free from chemical and the hazzardous pesticides.
subhash sabnis
2007-01-20 23:20:11 UTC
Now a days lot of hectors land lying unused .... first all are trying there always best level to this land to be a use for forestry and also farming which gives us some earning.

Another things to stopped concreet jungle from original jungle ( today concreet jungle going to aquire whole original greenery and wild life by making buildings and other)
2007-01-18 11:12:43 UTC
As i am a biotechnologists i am totally in opposite of the cutting of the trees. And one of the most important reason for the cutting of the trees is the industrialization. We also have to control the pollution because they can also affect the trees and if possible we have to take care the plants. We also have to aknowledge the people about the benefits of the trees. If, we understand our responsibility and by this way if everyone will understand their responsibilities then the problem will be automatically solved and the most important thing is everyone shouold have to plant atleast one plant.
2007-01-17 20:13:59 UTC
Recommend education for the areas of the world where forest growth has been disappearing the fastest. Also, I'd recommend a policy for the US and other industrialized countries to have some replacement policy (say 80%) of trees removed for new homes or offices have to be replaced as new trees on the improved property (or save the existing trees already there).
2007-01-19 01:40:23 UTC
i think for that people and government get togeather and deside about how to plan that agriculture and forestry live freely out of the danger from the industries waste,they should make some clear rules for all of them how to work with the nature for the safety of our agriculture,forestry and indusries because all the three parts are essential in life to live healthly and devlopping side be pepared and start to serve world by spredding aggro-forestry
Bart H
2007-01-18 14:47:28 UTC
Trees are not the issue. We have plenty. In most places we manage our forests properly with fires and harvesting to stimulate new growth. Forestry is a science and people are learning to manage what we have with few third world exceptions. I read recently that a boy scout troop was blamed for the start of a large forest fire. They replied they were not aware that a ban on camp fires was in place. So better local alerts and education could help.

People are the problem. What we need is to use what we have better and plan a products recycling from the beginning of the design process. We make things we don't need. We use too much plastic. We use cleaning solutions that are not environmentally friendly. Grocery stores should be using cloth bags. Customers can purchase bags for say $2 and exchange them when they need to for free at the store. Milk cartons could go back to paper.

One crazy and overboard idea is that we can change what we eat. From the seas according to the law we should only eat what has fish and scales. (I would miss shrimp) We are eating what our food eats! We can ban construction within 5 miles of water or less than 50 feet below sea level to allow for animals. Our roads can be designed with large overpasses to allow animals to travel under. Here in Florida we could build long canals to float barges and manage water resources also creating more habitats for birds.

Our garbage dumps and trash system is poorly designed. We need to separate materials and recycle or return to the earth what we can. We also dump all sorts of waste in the water. We can manage our water more efficiently and stop exporting non-renewable natural resources especially water or water intensive products. We move species not indigenous to an area in and they have negative affects. We design our cities and culture poorly to manage our surroundings. We can require walls around cities to separate nature from civilization. Malls could have gardens on the roof. Cities could be built along tram systems so we can cut the need for cars encourage walking, bicycles, motorcycles and golf carts. Trucks can be limited to local routes. Smokes stacks can be eliminated and waste products disposed of responsibly.

Create smaller farms. We can stop mass netting and create floating fisheries in the oceans and lakes that move. Movable chicken coupes so chickens can be rotated over the land. People are to far removed from there food and how it makes it to the table.

We have been invaded by beetles and our bees are being killed off. We have destroyed the buffalo which was part of the natural cycle of digging up the land.

Once trash gets to the street corner it is picked up and then it falls out of the back of the truck on the way to the dump. Smokers throw there butts on ground. Drivers loose things out there window or the bed of there truck. Our beaches and streets are covered in trash.

We can change our plumbing structure there are to many losses underground from broken pipes. We can educate people what should not be flushed down the toilet. We can eat more natural products and cut the use of pesticides and herbicides. We actually spray along the roads to get rid of hemp, which is a beneficial plant species.
Hill Bill Camp
2007-01-17 22:05:38 UTC
I really don't know too much about this subject but the common sense answer to this question would be to force whoever is cutting down the trees to plant an equal amount of the same trees somewhere else. There is still plenty of space on this planet to put them somewhere else. I think there are bigger issues right now than trees. i.e.. war, hunger, the Patriots winning another Super Bowl..
2007-01-17 20:42:04 UTC
It's my nature that i respect the trees & it's objectives as my friends and docter. I fell that they are giving me bless, when i talk with them.

It will be a good way to serve the world by the spreading of aggro-forestry. when everybody think like this.
2007-01-15 03:33:54 UTC
To be honest i have never planted even a single plant yet but in future i will i'm sure about that.Planting trees are really really a good idea.Plants give us many things and it does'nt harm us.But we the humans cut the tree for our satisfaction.Planting trees near the coastal ares will help us a bit from TSUNAMI.Planting trees for time-pass is a part but planting trees with sincercty to help the world.hands-off to the greatttttttttt farmers.
2007-01-18 04:39:43 UTC
Picture this. If that small/subsistence farmer who ekes out a living on seasonal crops could plant just a couple of fruit trees on his little piece of land, this would be a few more trees in the world. when the tree matures, the farmer would benefit from its fruit. Multiply that by the thousands of subsistence farmers all over the world for the snowball effect...

It would all start with education.
Rajesh R
2007-01-18 00:48:22 UTC
Serving the world thru his means is the best means to spread with the mindest being on firm for the greener envionment , join organizations with an eco nature watch , spread the word through rich harvest , educating the children , old people , reaching villagers , spread of love is the spread of greenery , nature calls is an excellent & significant sign.
Nazni J
2007-01-20 11:24:01 UTC
by spreading of aggro-forestry we can hope for a better atmosphere for the future generation .
2007-01-19 20:10:17 UTC
spreading the message will create only awarness

but making a work over will always pay the way for the better world

so make a work over agro - forestry show it to all , then say that these things must be done to see a green world etc , then all will follow it automatically.
2007-01-18 02:20:11 UTC
I got the idea of aggro-forestry from none other than our reknown nobel laurate prof.Wangari Mathaai.I was inspired by her quest to plant trees wherever she goes.This idea alone has made me plant enviromental friendly trees in my backyard at my country side residence.I have planted fruit trees and those which produce good timbers,although i am not an ardent logger.I get these seedlings from my small nursery which i have established in my backyard and from other nurseries.I also gather seedlings from various areas of my country and introduce them in my area.My homestead looks nice with growing trees .I come from Kenya and i saw love of my country by planting more trees.
2007-01-17 22:52:57 UTC
Be mindful about what you buy. Ask questions about where wood products (paper, furniture, chopsticks) come from. Stop junk postal mail. There are internet sites which will tell you how to do that.

If your community does not have a tree ordinance, get to work on one. Show up at hearings for proposed developments in your area and insist that conditions of approval include preserving trees.
Joseph Anatoly S
2007-01-18 01:23:38 UTC
By educating (sensitization) the world about the following roles of forests:

-Forests provide habitats for many animals and plants ,

-They contribute to human existence.

-Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide to give off oxygen that we breath ( photosynthesis).

-The forest canopy intercepts and gradually redistributes precipitation that would otherwise cause flooding and erosion.

-The roots of the trees and other vegetation hold the soil in place.

-Valuable water is stored in tree roots, trunks, stems, and foliage, as well as the soil of the forest floor.

-Forests harbour a variety of herbal medicine, fruits and jungle food.

-Forests protect the land from storms that destroy our homes.

-Forests hamper desert formation.

This can be ensured by:

-Compulsory trainining of children in primary schools.

-Compulsory trainining of students in higher institutions.

-Implementation of Courses and employment in Aggro-Forestry management and control.

-Each country should have a serious ministry concerned with forestry

-Supporting organisations should sponsor volunteers to plant trees worldwide with the consent of the host countries.

-Irresponsible governments should be sunctioned in some way if they refuse to respond to this problem.

-Some dogmas must be disproved such as rain comes from heaven. This leaves people in total darkness about how rain forms up. so they cut each and every tree.

-Poor people especially in Africa and Asia depend on wood as fuel if this tendency can be reduced then Forests will survive more.Therefore, new management in wood fuel should be iplemented and intensified by the governments concerned.
2007-01-17 03:47:35 UTC
It would be the best if we make it compulsory by the government for per person per family to plant a tree once a year as well as to fine the people who dont obey the same along with these one should be punished if seeing cutting down the trees ill legaly
Gunny T
2007-01-13 11:34:12 UTC
Sorry guys, a recent (early 90's) survey by the Dept of Interior disclosed that there are more trees now growing in the U.S. today than in 1800....

I have a Ponderosa Pine it the end of my driveway I keep Christmas lights on year round... every year I have to add another string of lights as it grows.... They GROW FAST...

Lets just protect the old Redwood and Sequoia forrests, some old growth, and knock off the fanatic tree hugging..???
2007-01-20 09:36:02 UTC
The next issue is to predict what would happen if these temperature changes were allowed to happen. The science of climate change impact assessment is very uncertain, not least because humans have the capacity to adapt to some of the expected changes. There are two stages to impact assessment: predicting what the consequences will be for ecosystem change and human health, and assessing how important those changes will be. The context to all this assessment is uncertainty, not least because the rate of change of temperature and the levels of temperature change together place some of the change outside human experience. That is, we have little idea how environments and humans will respond if the worst-case scenarios occur. An additional complication is that impacts will vary region by region, not just because of different susceptibilities but because there will be regional variations in temperature change, in precipitation, and in extreme events such as hurricanes. Summer monsoons in Asia could become heavier, but summer rains in southern Europe could become less.

The kinds of impacts that would seem to be important are as follows. Sea levels will rise due to the thermal expansion of the oceans. Low-lying areas, such as the coastal regions of Bangladesh, and many small islands, could be seriously affected unless adequate sea defences are built and maintained. Fresh water resources could be affected by saline intrusion as sea levels change. Existing dry land regions may become drier still, resulting in a greater likelihood of desertification. Agricultural output may change adversely in some regions, due to reduced rainfall, but may increase in other areas because CO2 also has a “fertilizing” effect on crops. While most of the work on impacts has been carried out on the agricultural sector, it is not clear that world food supply will be significantly affected: some regions will lose and some will gain. But the regions suffering losses may be some of the poorest in the world. In terms of human health there are similar ambivalent effects: if winter temperatures rise there may be fewer premature deaths due to winter cold. But if summer temperatures also rise there may be added deaths from heat stress. The pattern of the world’s diseases may also change—diseases such as malaria, eradicated from Europe, could return to some areas. Perhaps the most important effects are the ones we know least about. Ecosystems change in response to climate change but, in general, past changes have occurred slowly as temperatures varied over long periods. A rise of 1 or 2° C in just a century is a very fast rate of temperature change, and some ecosystems may not be able to adjust. Even more speculative are the effects of extreme events: for example, the worsening of El Niño, and the potential effects on ocean currents and hence marine productivity

2007-01-17 03:25:10 UTC
The best way to prevent the forest and environment, the prizes and rewards will be given in the form of saplings of trees, etc in the schools and colleges. From the Nursery itself the kids trained to protect and preserve the plants and trees by making them alert by plays, dramas, street plays etc. The politicians can present these tree saplings while their canvosing instead of others.
2007-01-13 10:11:17 UTC
It would be nice if we could stop the clear cutting of the loblolly pine in South Carolina. People do not seem to understand that when you cut down all the trees, you increase the danger from Hurricanes, and flooding. when you put up strip malls with no place in between for forests, you leave no place for the water to go. Some day we will have places to go to look at a tree with a fence around it, saying endangered pine. Look up watershed management, for more.
2007-01-20 05:29:34 UTC
We have knowledge of science and we can use that. As we know from the science that trees have a big impact on the rain is the blood of agriculture. Can we live without blood? Never !! We know without trees we cannot live in both form of life to take breath and to get food. If we cannot live without trees then how can we finish them? This'll be my question to every people in every part of the globe. Instead of detailing everything i'll show how the trees are doing their job for the benefit of the human being.

2007-01-17 04:29:21 UTC
Just by Taking Vegeterian Food,This will Increase the Cultivation of Food crops and Avoid Killing of animals for Non-Veg.Leading to The Greenary and World As Place of Nature.
2007-01-19 23:12:11 UTC
Every higher secondary student (10th std to 12th std) should plant one tree during their course time.They should submit report to their concerned staffs.If this is given as a compulsory exercise,

then spreading forestry will be possible.
2007-01-16 07:46:05 UTC
by educating the people, by giveing awareness about forest if we made deforestaion then what happens and what are the problems we should get.instead of cutting a tree or removeing the agriculture area we should develop a miny forest in that perticualr takeing part and myself build up a plantaion area before going to serve or give awarness about aggro-foresty
manoj k
2007-01-20 00:00:07 UTC
Following action will be acheived the forestry task

(i) Population

(ii)Education & Awareness
2007-01-20 09:57:18 UTC
1.This is needed to maintain the Eco-Chain. I plan to serve the world by planting 1 tree every year and ask all my family members to do so at a local govt. approved area. I wish to bear the cost of this plantation if within my means.
2007-01-17 21:09:49 UTC
Agro-forestry???? If you think we can serve the world by spreading agricultural forestry, you know nothing about sustainable resource use or ecology!

To practice agriculture, we take complex natural systems with plants, animals and soils that have developed in place, often for thousands of years. We then clear off the plants and animals, plow up the soil (thereby destroying soil structure and creating a greatly simplified soil biota). Often these plants and animals have attributes, such as for medicines, fiber, food, etc., that are lost forever by clearing for agriculture. We then plant monocultures and load the soils with herbicids, pesticides and petroleum-based fertilizers. I should say here, that agriculture is extremely important. It is just that, we shouldn't plow up every inch of land for one use.

These same methods are used in agricultural forestry. I am an ecologist in Washington State, USA. Here, agro-foresters have clearcut over 90% of our forests; forests that took ten thousand years to develop (since the last ice age). The once diverse forests are replaced by monocultures and sprayed with aerially-applied herbicides used to kill even the forbs and shrubs that would otherwise compete with the trees. Animals such as bears and porcupines are also wiped out as they might damage the trees. Gigantic multinational corporations wipe out huge swaths of forests, at the same time wiping out local towns, destroying clean water, and killing species and industries (salmon and sustainable salmon fishing, other forest products such as berries, mushrooms and other potentially profitable forest products) that would otherwise support jobs and species diversity. Agricultural forestry is a bad thing for my state, for our species, and for our earth.

Rather than agro-forestry, we should be talking about sustainable forestry. A wonderful example is a 137-acre forest owned and sustainablly managed by a visionary on Vancouver Island in Canada. Merve Wilkinson has owned this piece of land since 1937. He has been harvesting timber off of his forest since that time, one tree at a time and in a way that is intended to preserve the structural, age and species diversity of his forest. He has made a living off of that forest and he has helped others also make a living off of his forest. At the same time, he has preserved plant and wildlife habitat and huge ancient trees. Plus, his forest is beautiful beyond words.

Another example is Wangari Maathai. This amazing Kenyan woman won a Nobel Peace Prize for leading a campaign to plant millions of trees to combat deforestation. In her acceptance speach, she urged the audience "to embrace the whole creation in all its diversity, beauty and wonder". What an amazing visionary!

Agro-forestry is an abomination. It is an example of everything that is wrong with our species and the relationship that our species has with the earth. Sustainable forestry, on the other hand, is an example of what our species could do. That is, what we could do if we weren't so driven by greed, short-sightedness, ignorance and stupidity.
2007-01-17 05:55:37 UTC
Basics of aggro- forestry requires awareness to understand that we are creating good health,nutrition,soil maintenance,economy,protecting earth in terms of conservation.A participation from all disciplined section to be motivated like students,employees,farmers, businessman etc.I am ready to work,organise this activity in association with simmilar society and ready to spare reasonable time.
2007-01-21 00:37:59 UTC
Forestry should be saved.Everyone should plant at least 5 plants everyday.No big trees should be cut.
2007-01-19 08:52:55 UTC
In our india aggro is very much developed on that days but now little bit reduced bcoz of humen begins economical life.

plant the tree in all places and wont destroy the planted trees.
asha m
2007-01-17 21:29:46 UTC

Yeah we need to plant more saplings not only in metro cities everywhere also.when the trees are cut down for making roads make sure taht they will plant those many saplings and look after them there after.I'ts govt as well as people responsibility to look after them.

Distribute the saplings of fruits and vegetables for free for farmers once r twice in year so taht they wll also grow and make country also to grow.
2007-01-17 19:34:59 UTC
Tree plantation is best use of extra space. With a little effort and with a small investment you make great contribution to the environment. Plantation of tree is rewarding also.
2007-01-20 15:17:27 UTC






2016-03-14 09:19:43 UTC
Being happy is more than just a smile. If everyone was smiling in the world it wouldn't mean that everyone was happy. It would be that there were a lot of liars out there. I've seen many people smile with no happiness behind it. But I smiled anyway.
2007-01-19 08:02:29 UTC
As trees are most important part of our life we should do plantation as more as possible. Land which is not so good for farming should be utilized for plantation. Planned plantation of forests should be done with useful trees . Farmers should go for tree plant farming like planting sagwan trees etc
2007-01-17 05:24:58 UTC
Now a days villages are transformed to cities.Agriculture, which was our traditional occupation is vanishing day by day.So it is very essential to promote agriculture and there by promote agroforestry.I can serve tthis world by giving my small knowledges to other people and i can conduct debates ,seminars etc.I can prepare posters to promote agro forestry.
2007-01-19 22:53:13 UTC
I'm very happy to participate in this competition and sharing my thoughts.

The people mainly convert the forest into agricultural land are who are living in forests.they are mostly uneducated people. they don't know the consequences by converting the forest into agricultural land. so i will explain them about the defects of deforestation by educating the people. Also i will say about the out side world ,advantages with education and government providing facilities for them for self employment . second one is most of that kind lives by selling those agricultural products. so i used to tell them the ways of acquiring different forest direct products , demand of those products in the world and train them how get those product ,how to sell those for higher prices, which gives good income and improve the standards of their life.
2007-01-21 00:04:37 UTC
Plant Trees in Common place; Spread Message saying - Earlier generation Mankind helped us by Trees plantes during their days now serving present manking; Without loosing them, when we (present mankind) develop Foresty our next generation will enjoy their servises.
2007-01-19 01:56:32 UTC
Global warming is rapidly increasing due to ubnormal changes in environment one among them is cutting plants.if forest r destroyed then we have to take safety and to face more death in future against the entry of wild animals in search of their suitable environ. a strict rule should be framed that "planting of trees around home is a must" like the succesful "rain harvesting".government should offer plants that is suitable for that area. to encourage the farmers.
2007-01-14 04:15:44 UTC
Distribute saplings and plant more trees especially in metro cities where there are less trees due to de-forestation.

Plant trees that bear fruits and vegetables so that they can be used by the poor who are unable to afford them.
Somu P
2007-01-18 02:55:53 UTC
"Sorry guys, a recent (early 90's) survey by the Dept of Interior disclosed that there are more trees now growing in the U.S. today than in 1800...." Could they even survey the whole place then?

Start by doing small things like taking less print outs
2007-01-20 07:43:08 UTC
Growing trees can prevent Global warming. It is the one of the selfless deed. The fruits are for future. The tree always gives without asking in return.
2007-01-18 22:04:22 UTC
i believe such things should start on smaler to bigger dimensions

let us develos teams around us ddicated to serve teh community and the state on the larger perspective

let us also organize workshops and related events to not only spread the message of this eco friendly act but also increse healthy education about tree plantation

the wayy it can lead to solving most of our problems
kavita h
2007-01-17 02:40:45 UTC
u should do only one thing just plant 10 trees before cutting one tree. that is the only one way of saving forestry.but before cutting ensure that the plants have attended certain height .But this doesn't mean that keep on cutting trees.Certain intervals of time should be maintained.
2007-01-20 05:55:15 UTC
thank u for loving nature.trees are bags of the planet. every tree nourishes this world by giving fresh air. it preserves human lives from dangerous gases.everyone should plant atleast a tree & feed them with water. we can spend our leisure time with plants. it will give more freshness than oters.if we try to save a tree from destruction we save nearly 1000 people from death. NGOS &school children get a major role to do it.
2007-01-18 09:19:17 UTC
By aggro-forestry we can at least try to try and reduce desertification and concrete jungles
2007-01-19 03:47:30 UTC
We should plant more trees.To avoid destructed of ecosystem.It is man who exploited the trees by cutting them for his own needs.

We should stop deforestation which leads to forest fires.
2007-01-18 00:44:45 UTC
i can serve the wold by the spreading of aggro-forestry to the falowe of the rools
dr.bankim patel
2007-01-17 07:30:40 UTC
1: every year plantaton of atleast one tree by me & my all family members.

2: motivate others to do so.

3 prevent unnecessary cutting of trees.

4 i will prefer to use alternate of wood products.
2007-01-19 05:30:47 UTC
aggro-foresty is important thing in the world.

Peoples does not care about it. goverment must take severe steps to protect the both aggri and foresty.

Peoples first know about it's importance of it and tthey also preserve the aggri and foresty.

peoples improve it's source. we and they are friends not a enemy. so thik they are our friends so does not deforest it.
2007-01-18 00:56:16 UTC
Instead of cutting them down plant a tree. I have planted a bunch of trees around this place. Shrubs and misc. plants.
2007-01-13 10:07:24 UTC
Instead of cutting them down plant a tree. I have planted a bunch of trees around this place. Shrubs and misc. plants.
2007-01-20 07:22:17 UTC
dear all,

this is arunlingam, as i heard the one message that the one japan man as visted in india.In part of that tamilnadu, he visited from one place to another for job he misplace the flight ticket so he want to take journey in train. In train he seated in the window side and he want to travalled till trichy from chennai. in that what he saw in windows he strated shooting what all things he seeing for eyesight and after long ago the near stranger ask the question what your shooting that that all place free farm land and the japan man replied immediately i never seen this place before in japan . in this what want to all listen we have enough place we are in seventh largest countries in the world. with all having her still we are undeveloping it self we start the plan to how to agriculate the land in good manner then now more forest has become industries and softwares concern in india.

in we cannot go and tell to them they won't response our question for we want to make good team and we can do it for that. behalf cutting and hitting the forest we cannot have good air . we want to maintain so we can do one thing we give the special land to them and what the needs they want means they can do there we give strict restrcition to put them. and we cannot avoid our forest.
tina s
2007-01-21 04:10:15 UTC
get our vehicles emission tested so the air is pure ,use of insect or pest control methods,planting more trees,by this v can get a pollution free atmosphere ,reduced mortality rates protection of the ozone and a disease free earth
subhash c
2007-01-20 01:19:11 UTC
By increasing the forest, definately we decrease the pollution problem and many other problems.

I strongly recommend that we have to increase the forests as many as possible in the country.
2007-01-19 02:49:41 UTC
faith can move mountains so lots of faith in you can serve the world by the spreading of aggro-forestry
2007-01-18 09:55:01 UTC
Extend the length of the living in the earth.
keerthi k
2007-01-18 20:07:42 UTC
2007-01-20 11:09:56 UTC
i simply serve the world by spreading good values to all the officers whether loyal or unloyal that live & let live. what i mean, i think u can understand.
Sahaya A
2007-01-19 22:11:12 UTC
I am best my serve in world if scientific world
2007-01-17 23:24:23 UTC
Take strict actions against anybody who works to creat ecological imbalance
kulbhushan nagar
2007-01-18 23:41:24 UTC
i can do nothing ,for this world ,but i can give joy and love to every one in this world ,people can be win by love not by war ,spread love and give love to every one this world ,and i will divide my all wealth in this world because no coin i will keep alone with me after my death ,whole world is my one family,so spread love love love only love
2007-01-21 03:09:41 UTC


sanjana v
2007-01-17 04:01:55 UTC
we should not cut trees,instead we should plant trees because they are the reservoirs of the next generation
2007-01-13 12:09:01 UTC
plant more & more TREES, not just political slogan like garibi hatavo, but real concrete job. encourage our farmers & reward them for their good job & get rid of corrupt sarpanchs & forest officials.
Kulasekara p
2007-01-18 10:25:18 UTC
just planting a tree seedling on one's birthday or any one special occasion per year
2007-01-17 21:51:56 UTC
deport there familes back to there countres in i.rak they should surrond the towns and go house by house check for weapons and arrest those in the house
yogam s
2007-01-18 01:05:00 UTC
As a good indian
2007-01-17 20:27:11 UTC
plant and care for trees
2007-01-19 23:05:21 UTC
I dont think anyone should be agro with forrests, they dont do anything, just stand there.

People should be agro with people, not trees!

Maybe we should just kill all the agro people?
2007-01-16 10:31:14 UTC
by planting as many trees as possible and caring them with irrigation and nutrition.
Binda L
2007-01-19 02:24:36 UTC
we can help too much to control polution and to produce earnings for a number of people
2007-01-17 22:22:07 UTC
burn corn instead of trees, make items out of artificial wood and

melted milk jugs.
2007-01-19 10:59:03 UTC
darrin s
2007-01-17 21:54:12 UTC
plant more trees
2007-01-15 10:33:25 UTC
2007-01-17 03:36:22 UTC
we have to preserve good environment to our future please grow trees instead of cutting them and take plantation as our hobby
hardik dave
2007-01-20 05:56:29 UTC
we should trust in natuarality....

and should not follow the industry grow-up....

it is dangereous for our agriculture.
2007-01-20 06:41:43 UTC
2007-01-20 04:18:01 UTC
stop corruption,

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.