What are your views on Anna Hazare's Anti-corruption movement?
senthil r
2011-04-05 22:29:49 UTC
A Padmashree & Padhmabhusan awardee, a great social activist, known for his RTI revolution,worked for economic & ecological growth of villages, an ex soldier of indian army.....
This anti-corruption movement has attracted many youngsters of India.
Pls share your view......,
Additionally, how is it going to affect the state Assembly elections?
35 answers:
2011-04-07 18:08:54 UTC
The agitation by civil society activists over the Jan Lokpal Bill is a reminder of this uncomfortable truth. There is a great deal of justified consternation over corruption. The obduracy of the political leadership is testing the patience of citizens. But the movement behind the Jan Lokpal Bill is crossing the lines of reasonableness.

Corruption is a challenge. And public agitation is required to shame government. But it is possible to maintain, in reasonable good faith, that the Jan Lokpal Bill is not necessarily the best, or the only solution to the corruption challenge.

The various drafts of the Jan Lokpal Bill are, very frankly, an institutional nightmare. To be fair, the bill is a work in progress. But the general premises that underlie the various drafts border on being daft. They amount to an unparalleled concentration of power in one institution that will literally be able to summon any institution and command any kind of police, judicial and investigative power. Power, divided in a democracy, can often be alibi for evading responsibility. But it is also a guarantee that the system is not at the mercy of a few good men. Having concentrated immense power, it then displays extraordinary faith in the virtue of those who will wield this power. Why do we think this institution will be incorruptible? The answer seems to be that the selection mechanism will somehow ensure a superior quality of guardians. Why? Because the selection committee, in addition to the usual virtuous judges, will have, as one draft very reassuringly put it, two of the “most recent Magsaysay Award Winners”. It is not going to look at corruption only. It can even look into “wasteful” expenditure. They can, potentially usurp all policy prerogatives of democratic governments. So many accountability institutions, in the name of accountability, are not distinguishing between policy issues and corruption. They are perpetuating the myth that government can function without any discretionary judgment.

But the demand is premised on an idea that non-elected institutions that do not involve politicians are somehow the only ones that can be trusted. This assumption is false. Institutions of all kinds have succeeded and failed. But the premise of so much accountability discourse is not just contempt of politicians, but contempt of representative democracy. This contempt is reflected in two ways. There are several mechanisms of accountability in place. They have not worked as well as they should; vested interests have subverted them. But interestingly, despite those interests, governments are being called to account.

The net result of a “Lokpal” will be to weaken the authority of even other well-functioning institutions. No agitation focuses on sensible, manageable reform of representative institutions; all agitative energies are premised on bypassing them. Perhaps some version of a Lokpal is desirable. But reasonable people can disagree over this matter. To many of us, this proposal seems like the way we approached educational reform: if BA is not good quality, introduce MA; since MA does not work, have MPhil; since we can’t trust our PhDs, have a further NET exam, endlessly deferring to new institutions at the top of the food chain without attending to basics. We should, as citizens, not be subject to the moral coercion of a fast-unto-death on this issue.

But the claim that the “people” are not represented by elected representatives, but are represented by their self-appointed guardians is disturbing. In a democracy, one ought to freely express views. But anyone who claims to be the “authentic” voice of the people is treading on very thin ice indeed. It is a form of Jacobinism that is intoxicated with its own certainties about the people. It is not willing to subject itself to an accountability, least of all to the only mechanism we know of designating representatives: elections. The demand that a Jan Lokpal Bill be drafted jointly by the government and a self-appointed committee of public virtue is absurd. Most of us sharply disagree with elected government on matters even more important than corruption. But no matter how cogent our arguments, it does not give us the right to say that our virtue entitles us to dictate policy to a representative process.

In an age of cynicism, Anna Hazare is a colossus of idealism. His sacrifices should cause all of us to introspect. It should be in the service of self-transformation, not a vilification of political processes. Virtue has an impatience with processes and institutions that needs to be checked. It is a dangerous illusion to pedal that badly designed new institutions will be a magic wand to remove corruption. All they will do is promote wishful thinking and distract from the myriads of prosaic decisions that will be required to get a better politics.
2011-04-07 22:33:14 UTC
Any corrupted politician or government official , should get screwed. India should become like a kingdom where the punishments should be very severe. Then only a common man should spend his life happily.

I completely Support Anna Hazare.

Persons who doesn't support in my understanding is a completely corrupted man and doesnt deserve to be a human being.
Radhakrishna( prrkrishna)
2011-04-06 01:05:59 UTC

Finally ONE GREAT REPUTED MAN HAS STARTED A MOVEMENT to end corruption in India.

The India is so completely filled by the Demon Corruption, you are not wrong if you SAY CORRUPTION IN INDIA IS OMNIPRESENT.

To Eradicate this Corruption, first ACTION SHALL START AT TOP LEVEL.

Big Leaders,top Industrialists, Cine actors and actresses, Real Estate Top Dealers, etc people.

There is no point to in arresting an LDC ( lower division clerk) or an attender while taking 100 or 500 rs as bribe.

The cleansing process Start from the TOP.

For any Great thing to happen ONE FIRST STEP BY RIGHT MAN IN A MUST.

So this is the beginning.

This movement may not yield FULL RESULTS.

But when the Unemployed youth and so many others join along with Rural public * who are the worst hit in this case) finally one day it becomes a TSUNAMI.

See egypt and Libya ...what is happening there? It started slowly , but spread like a Wild fire.

I believe this movement started by this Honorable person certainly ONE DAY will give results.
~RusticaℓℓY єℓegAnt!
2011-04-07 08:14:46 UTC
I completely support Anna ji for his initiative. I hope all of his efforts prove to be successful. This incidence in many ways reminds me of Civil Disobedience Movement initiated by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 and apparently, it ended at around this time only. Then also, he demanded the govt. to abolish the tax on salt and if the govt. didn't do, they would launch the movement. I'm not a hardcore Gandhian supporter, but I just hope, just like Gandhi was successful in making his aim a reality, I hope Anna Hazare also proves to be successful with his works. It's for a noble cause..would be beneficial for the entire nation and it's people.

I'm all for it anyday.

Tell you what, Youngsters of India have a BIG role in making the changes. I'm happy to know they are coming forward and contributing to this issue by active participation. But since, state assembly elections are round the corner, I'm afraid, UPA as ALWAYS (big time loser) will not even consider this. They have always overlooked these sensitive things..only mean to do evil things by either using media or CBI. They don't know the meaning of 'Life'.
2011-04-08 04:05:44 UTC
I m with Anna Hazare. He is fighting 4 a good cause 2 take INDIA in a new corruption free ERA, were all INDIANS are willingly joining him. He is GANDHI of 2011 who is going 2 show right path 2 d youngsters of INDIA.Govt. should pass the bill in Assembly as soon as possible or be ready to pay d price.
2011-04-07 00:25:48 UTC
As Anna himself is a revolutionary movement for independance from the Corrupt and Corruption...It is the best movement that India awaited since a long time...We pray and hope that this movement reaches its better result than this can satisfy the Indian civil society, now...The support it garners from all nooks and corners and the active participation of youth are signs enough to see that this movement will change the Governance and politico-economic scenario in India, once for all. All are expected to join this movement.....
2011-04-06 09:26:47 UTC
This is time we respond and give a feed back to these corrupt politicians, we have to make it clear that we will respond and question them if they corrupt this society in greed of money and power, have u ever seen in current political scenario of any politician humble and leading a Gandhian life(they all travel in land cruisers and 50lakh vehicles) , they are in power earn money for them and their kins

there should be movements like this and should have candidates in election from this sort of movement so that people can elect them and voice their grievances to the Parliament, and change the political scenario .ion is not given ,

there are many states were proper growth and attention is not there , the fund for this developments are shared by corrupt mps and politicians.
Veers த‌மி‌ழ்
2011-04-06 04:28:58 UTC
A Great soul is initiating a big thing against corruption !

I prostrate on his feet for such move in the interest of the nation.

In my opinion, the corruption started from the present set up of government after 1969. Hence to honour Anna Hazare's Anti-corruption movement, we have to defeat the people who introduced corruption to the nation by forfeiting their deposit in all places including their allies.
2011-04-11 12:42:01 UTC
We cannot expect Anna Hazare to agitate today and expect everything to be become clean from tomorrow onwards. People like him provoke mass thinking. It is an effort in a direction. Even he may not be sure it will be successful. But still he makes the effort. Many efforts like this here and there will pave the way for progress in a slow and silent manner. There are many unknown people who sacrifice their lives for the betterment of India. I understand around 8 to 10 people, who are RTI activists have been so far killed. We do not know how many are killed and unreported. There are so many journalists who have been killed because they reported the truth and were inconvenient for politicians and thugs. These are not wasted efforts. It is difficult to connect the efforts and the results directly, one for one. But these efforts WILL have their effects.
2011-04-06 10:53:36 UTC
Anna hazare has uncovered mask of politicians to whom we were thinking good politicians.

By not supporting Anna Hazare, Rahul Gandhi and Soniya Gandhi has proved that they are not different fro other politicians.

J.M.Padia, Rajkot
2011-04-06 00:50:10 UTC
This is an event that demands each and every citizen's support -- specially the youth. Fighting a corrupt government is not going to be easy, so move out of your comfort zone for the most significant "freedom" struggle of our lives.
2011-04-06 09:50:28 UTC
Anna ji, you have opened the eyes of general public and youth of this country about corruption. We all are with you for showing the path to next generation.

There will be no affect to state assemble election because the election are not fare in India.
2011-04-05 22:48:20 UTC
Anna Hazare's Anti-corruption movement is very important for corruption free india. I support this.
2011-04-07 10:22:19 UTC
I am quite agree with anna hazare anti-corruption movement,all politicians,all Bureaucrats,all officers and whoever is involved in corruption,must be sent to Jail for their whole life or should be hanged.

we are with you & want to join jago party to throwout the corruption from our country.

HG Agarwal

126,vivek vihar,N.S.Road,Jaipur-302019
2011-04-06 05:12:53 UTC
Me a 53 yr old indian is going to sit tomorrow on dharna supporting anna hazare movement and will take along my 18 yr old son too so that he too supports and understands what this great movement means to him and his life.Yeh saale chor neta kya apne gale mein phanda khud daalenge? Kabhi nahi.Now they will have to hear our voice.Let us make them accountable for all their misdeeds.
2011-04-06 09:40:03 UTC
The Government of the day has become, BY THE CORRUPT, FOR THE CORRUPT AND OF THE CORRUPT. Else, how would you find people like Sharad Pawar, Veerappa Moily and the great KAPIL SIBAL in the GOM on Corruption. So much for our Prime Minister's sincerity on corruption issues. What else can you expect from a Prime Minister who himself has become a person of doubtful integrity.You dont hear anything from him except a big I DON'T KNOW for any question posed to him. We have lost faith in him, we have lost faith in his integrity, we have lost faith in his ability, we have lost faith in his character, we have lost faith in his capacity and on the whole we have lost faith in him as a PERSON/PRIME MINISTER/ADMINISTRATOR. We are with ANNA and we support his anti corruption crusade against this bloody conglemerate of POLITICIANS-BUREUCRATS-BUILDERS-CORPORATES.
Bala Venkat
2011-04-06 05:56:50 UTC
I hope you read the yahoo news:

Departments delay sanction for prosecution against IRS, IAS officers (involved in corruption cases)

PTI – Wed, Apr 6, 2011

New Delhi, Apr 6 (PTI) In a stumbling block to its efforts to check graft, the CVC is awaiting sanction for prosecution in about 45 corruption cases against senior government officials, including IRSs and IAS, for more than four months...

The highest of six cases are from Ministry of Urban Development, five from Ministry of Finance, three each from Ministry of Railways, Coal India Ltd and two each from Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and UCO Bank among others.

"We keep sending reminders to concerned offices to grant sanction for prosecution. But it has been noticed that such reminders are often ignored and approvals are delayed beyond stipulated time," a CVC official said.

Right under this news, one Someswara Rao aptly comments as follows:

This is the result of the laxity in the rules, deliberately encouraged by government, to protect the corrupt. The politicians need corrupt officials to fill their coffers and in turn they are obliged to protect them. CVC has no teeth. Anna Hazare is fighting exactly such lacunae in laws designed to protect the corrupt.


I think the news and the comment thereon explain the position clearly. We also saw how a senior officer involved in criminal case was posted as CVC chief – Govt first defending their right to make postings that can not be questioned and then after the verdict of the apex court, tendering apology to the parliament ‘’accepting responsibility’’ for the lapse! What a drama by Mr Clean!

So Hazare’s crusade against the corruption in Govt is fully justified.
2011-04-05 23:45:46 UTC
Good movement initiated timely when corruption is in peak and hence it will get support of all especially voters of young generation.Voters may avoid corrupted candidates in the ensuing elections.
2011-04-06 01:05:52 UTC
i would say 77 years young doing noble n great work. Bande men hai dam!! I support Anna Hazare's my answer about current anti corruption movement bill (Lokpal Bill) that why we all Indian support this movement..!!?

I think timing (state Assembly elections) is not matter, but matter is the drafting and conditions...! current Lokpal bill is not worth it at all. Lokpal bill should be independent (in manner) from legislative branches, where they direct report to (vice)president or Supreme Court. Like election commission n Supreme Court itself, no need to make another CBI!

Why Anna Hazare oppose latest 2010 Lokpal bill…? Some important point in this link :

As far as its affect on current Assembly election, i m afraid that local topics overshadow it. n thats y India need this bill because almost every party facing big loot center or in states..! How can people decide between karunanidhi/Raja and Jayalalitha? or Kumaraswamy and Yeddyurappa? in Gujarat two high rank Police officers investigating n work on their own chargesheet!!!? how can it worth it?

now central government talking that group of minister making new lokpal bill as they made lokpal bill 2010 (actually loop allow bill 2010)? and who are the Ministers? Sharad Pawar - who faced 12 big scams charges including IPL,State n central,Veerappa Moily- who made Loop allow Bill 2010 (Lokpal Bill 2010) ,Kapil Sibal who never find even 1 rupees scam in 2G scam....?? under his current low ministry Not FIR (complain is not called FIR) filed against Suresh Kalamdi ..!!?

Anna Hazare was not silent since 42 years (as many government spokes personal said yesterday). If you read his previous work than you can understand that why I am saying this.42 years means that 8 times bill on Flore of parliament, so he n people trusted n waited on democratic elective governments (all) that they done there work on Lok pall Bill… !!!!!

i also read report that only elective members can make the law,none of other citizen have right to do it, involve it !! its totally false statement. civil society members can also involve in law making process (not every time, but can involve). Previously congress-NCP government in Maharashtra involve civil society representative in Maharashtra RTI law making process (in committee), same as when tribal cast people came to Delhi on land issues, than in 5 days same UPA lead government ready to make committee includes civil society people. Even I hope that PM take action on it.

So they is no other way..Lokapal Bill will proved very bed for corrupt politicians n people,its like To Bell a Cat!!!@
2011-04-07 00:13:39 UTC
2011-04-06 05:28:16 UTC
I am with him! I have been following the Bharat Swabhiman Movement for some months now. I hope the nation awakens and provokes the govt. into passing the bill or at least dismisses the government.

amrit m
2011-04-06 20:32:03 UTC
His movement will take India to the ultimate goal of real Ram raj. I support his movement along with all friends from India settled in USA.May GOD make him successful.

2011-04-07 11:06:34 UTC
2011-04-05 22:49:17 UTC
I support anna...he is fighting 4 a great cause...every indian shud support him!

Anna apka sangharsh rang laega zaroor,

bhrashtachariyon ki neend udaega zaroor;

Aap prerna hain sachchi is zamane ke liye,

Bhrashtachar mitakar achchaiyan lane ke liye!
2011-04-07 01:15:24 UTC
this movement should have been earlier. better late than never.

politics and politicions should be kept away from this movement

this movement to be headed by judiciary with sweeping powers
2011-04-05 22:51:06 UTC
I'm with Anna Haazare, despite this movement will succeeded or not. If public join hands then it’s very difficult for govt to rescue itself.
The Dude
2011-04-06 09:37:38 UTC
get out of here and join the movement . only if you guys participate we can eliminate corruption. for the first time i want the media to hype this issue so that more people get inspired !
2011-04-07 20:41:49 UTC
The result of his fast will decide the fate of the present day politicians and the present Government .Blinded by greed for power , the politicians fail to see the writing on the wall.
2011-04-06 02:33:43 UTC
anna hazare is a great personality of india. he is an example for young india.its time to support him. i want to say to true indians.............. come on india...ABHI NHI TO KABHI NHI....... Plz give full support to anna hazare....its request......its great time to fight against corruption JAGO INDIA JAGO
2011-04-07 08:43:50 UTC
He is performing excellently.

Corruption should be attacked through every corner.
2011-04-06 00:42:53 UTC
Ada Pongapaa!!! (அட போங்கப்பா !!!)

I am fed up with all these movements. Nobody cares for them since our country so much "polluted" by the politicians.
2011-04-06 21:57:46 UTC
thank god we have what i call a true leader who will awaken india he prooves that hope is never lost in this country even in adversity. we shud all be backing this great leader and he is important for our country.
Jumping Sun
2011-04-06 01:58:13 UTC
I totally support this campaign.
smart67 s
2011-04-12 01:13:51 UTC
Its always best to keep on trying.
2011-04-06 08:24:50 UTC
It is for a good cause.We have to appreciate.

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